BTS to take legal action for evil posts – News2IN

BTS to take legal action for evil posts

BTS to take legal action for evil posts
Written by news2in

Bighit’s music recently announced a strict legal action for those who spread evil poles on social media against their artists BTS.
Sharing renewal on existing lawsuits, they revealed that the probe is currently undergoing after finding the suspect who escaped.
Request fans to report a further dangerous post, their statement reads, “We have completed the lawsuit files against those who regularly post comments and evil posts on community, blog, and social media sites, which exceed the limits of opinions and cross into the What standards cannot be socially acceptable, shrink them with slander (Article 70 of the law on the promotion of the use of information networks and communication and information protection, etc.) and for other crimes (Article 311) of the Criminal Code).

“Among the cases, after the initial lawsuit was received, one of the existence of the suspect became unknown and therefore prosecution was suspended for about a year before they were found again and it was decided that additional investigations would occur.
We also submit a civil compensation claim for civil compensation for The finished criminal disposition “was added further.
“Even though it might need some time as above, the company takes it to the end to hold the authors from such evil posts responsible through the law, and we ask your understanding that to maintain the confidentiality of the investigation and identify you suspects, we cannot Tell you more than the specific of the process or publish how we continue the situation.
We will continue to take stern steps to ensure that the author of the evil posts will be handled with strong legal actions and we want to know him that there is no reduction or Compromise will be made.

“We continue to collect poles and evil reports, and will deal with them legally.
We request that fans actively send a tip-off about things like our artists through the email of the new Bighit music response (”
“We always thank fans of love and devotion to BTS.
We will make endless efforts to protect the rights of our artists.
Thank you” concluded.

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