Bulk’s flight ban Hits Reunion Bakrid in LKO after Covid suffering – News2IN

Bulk’s flight ban Hits Reunion Bakrid in LKO after Covid suffering

Bulk's flight ban Hits Reunion Bakrid in LKO after Covid suffering
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The second wave of Covid may recede, but has regarding the plan of a family reunion in the city that is split between India and the UAE at the Eid-ul-Zuha festival.
Many residents who work in Emirates cannot return to Bakrid’s house even when they have a vacation because flights from India to UAE are still not operating.
The decision about the resumption of flights is likely on Wednesday, while most male workers have sent their wives and children to return to bakrides and have no choice but to celebrate the festival alone.
“I came to Dubai just before the pandemic was hit by 2020 and hasn’t visited the house since then.
I have saved enough to go home and celebrate Baqrid with family in Lucknow, but there is no back flight from India.
If I go home and the flight is not Continuing, I will be stranded and lost the job here, “said Mehfooz, an embroidery from the city.
“I taught at school in Sharjah where my summer break will continue until August, so I managed to come with my two-year-old son to be with my parents, but my husband couldn’t participate though Baqrid was a holiday because we weren’t sure when Flights will be resumed.
He will be alone at the festival and we will celebrate video calls, “Nigar Khan said.
In addition, many men who returned to care for their infected parents were trapped for more than a few months while their families were in the UAE.
“My parents signed Covid in April and I flew to keep them.
It’s been almost three months since, my wife and two daughters were in Dubai.
I have never been far from my family for so long.
It divides on a lively opportunity after so much Pandemic turmoil and suffering really disappointed for us, “Adil Niyaz said.

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