BULLI Bai Probe LED Delhi Cops to the original hate application – News2IN

BULLI Bai Probe LED Delhi Cops to the original hate application

BULLI Bai Probe LED Delhi Cops to the original hate application
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Over the past six months, Sulli’s offer application case has been a challenge for Delhi police.
With controversial applications splaimed throughout the social media and host github platform, a San Francisco-based company, refusing to share details, the probe seems to have encountered a dead end.
To add it, a similar application, Bulli Bai, appears on the same platform.
However, the investigation in the second case gave a new lease of life to investigations in the Sulli offer case and lead the police to the alleged developer, Aumkareshwar Thakur.
DCP (Special Cell) KPS Malhotra claims Thakur has taken many steps to cover up their trips.
Web developers by the profession, he uses some virtual identity while stepping online.
However, it led by Neeraj Bishnoi, which was arrested in the case of BII Bich, and a technical inquiry involving inner data analysis and access to the archive data led the police to take Thakur digital traces and arrest it.
The general link between Bishnoi and Thakur is a Twitter group, “Tradmahasabha”.
Thakur joined the group in January last year using an ID @GANGESCION.
During group discussions, the members were allegedly talking about Muslim women trolls.
Thakur was then suspected of creating Sulli’s agreement on GitHub using an @Cryptoboomom ID.
After the application made a big commotion and caused FIR registration, Thakur was allegedly destroying the social media trail, which allowed it to remain difficult to understand for months.
During Bishnoi’s interrogation, the police knew that he used to interact with various virtual identities on social media and were involved in group discussions.
“In July last year, a member of the Twitter group shared the Sulli offer application detail.
It was the first time Bishnoi or other group members heard about Sulli’s agreement in Github,” an officer said.
Bishnoi also told the police that the developer said he was from Indore.
“We carried out a broad analysis of similar social media accounts.
Thakur has been careful to remove its path.
Data Analytics failed to provide information about him on any social media platform,” said a senior officer.
The police then use social media engineering and tracking the social media platform archive.
During an extensive search, the deleted profile was found, which seemed to appeal to their case.
While the profile has a fake image in front, the police dig into the Group’s picture and got the deleted Twitter handle.
It guides them to an IP address and extensive location in Indore where the attack is done.
“Strict on-ground verification is done in Indore to show the right location of the suspect.
The location was identified through human intelligence and back tracking, but it was revealed that he used to work there about two years ago,” said a source.
However, this allows the police to build the real identity of the suspect and more information about the current location.
On January 8, Thakur was taken to be questioned.
He was later allegedly claimed to have created the Sulli offer application.
A team consisting of ACP Raman Lamba and the other search for other Twitter group members.

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