Bus terminals to have better connectivity immediately: Patna DM – News2IN

Bus terminals to have better connectivity immediately: Patna DM

Bus terminals to have better connectivity immediately: Patna DM
Written by news2in

Patna: The district government has decided to run CNG and electric buses for the Patliputra (PBT) bus terminal from all regions in the city to help passengers reach there without difficulty.
The District Habistrate (DM) Dr.
Chandrashekhar Singh issued an order in this regard after holding a meeting of workers on Friday.
It was also decided that “Chungi” will be collected only once a day for a month.
“At the Mithapur Bus stand, Chungi is collected twice a day.
At the new bus terminal in Bairiya, it will be collected once to help transporters.
The PBT executive committee maintains an account intended for the development of the bus terminal,” said DM to this newspaper.
Singh also asked the officials concerned to improve basic facilities such as dormitories and toilets for drivers and staff at the bus terminal.
“About 500 buses parked at PBT although the total number of buses originating and ending from the terminal is around 3,000.
The parking space for 100 buses will be made in a month,” said DM.
However, he warned the carrying of unauthorized bus parking on the road outside the bus terminal.
“Such bus owners will be fined and road permits from the wrong vehicle canceled,” he added.
Because many buses were parked at Patna-style Road instead of PBT, it caused traffic congestion in the region.
“Apart from the police post, 150 private security guards have been time there.
Additional Magistrat with an adequate police have also been assigned the task to check the illegal parking of the bus,” DM added.
Expressing dislaplness of delays in some construction work at PBT, DM said all this work must be completed in 10 days so that more buses can be parked there.

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