Buzz is lost in the temple place besides the castle – News2IN

Buzz is lost in the temple place besides the castle

Buzz is lost in the temple place besides the castle
Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: Even when the Jagannath Temple in Puri has annual Rath Yatra activities, for the remaining temples throughout the country are devoted to the gods, there is a melankolis.
With worshipers that are prohibited from taking part in the celebration because the Covid situation for the second consecutive year and the Supreme Court enforces the government’s prohibition to carry out Yatra Ratha anywhere other than Puri, temples throughout the country staring at the emptiness.
While some temples have decided to make alternative arrangements and hold Yatra Symbolic Rath in their buildings, most will obey orders and skip this year’s Grand Festival too.
“It is a terrible feeling.
This year Sabara Srikeshtra will celebrate 50 years of Rath Yatra.
Interestingly, in 1972, the festival has fallen on July 12 and this year, on the same date.
But unfortunately, this festival will be without worshipers,” Deepak Kumar Mishra said, a Jagannath temple servant in the coraput, known as Sabara Srikeshtra.
He added that the temple had built a while where the gods would shift for the nine-day festival and all rituals would be observed.
“There is a special ritual for nine days, which will be carried out in the temple, and no worshipers will be permitted,” Mishra said.
Other major temples such as Jewish Temple of Sri Baladev Day in Bari and Baladevjew Temple in Keonjhar and Kendrapada will also miss the festive spirit.
“Because of the Covid-19 situation, we decided to commit RATUAL RATH Yatra in a temple where government guidelines were carried out by the government’s guidelines , “The priests of the temple were in great trouble after the government stopped Rath Yatra.
This is the main source of our income because of many worshipers present,” said Suar, a temple priest.
The priests from the Jewish Temple of Baladev Day in Baripda went to meet Swami Nischalanda Saraswati, Puri Sankaracharya, to seek her opinion about rituals.
“The ritual in our temple is done in accordance with what is followed at the Puri Jagannath Temple.
But because Rath Yatra will not be held here, we want to consult with Swamiji about how to do it,” said Pradeep Kumar Panda, Imam Temple.
The construction of the train in Bari was stopped in the middle after the government announced a ban.
(With input from ashis senapati)

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