BYJU’S SNAPS UP 2 more COS for $ 750 Million, 4 Buy this year – News2IN

BYJU’S SNAPS UP 2 more COS for $ 750 Million, 4 Buy this year

BYJU'S SNAPS UP 2 more COS for $ 750 Million, 4 Buy this year
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: BYJU shopping spree continues.
Bengaluru-based digital learning companies have carried out two larger acquisitions.
This has purchased sevorean based learning, which specializes in higher and professional online education, for $ 600 million.
And it has bought TOPPP, which offers online content for schools and competitive exams, for $ 150 million.
The company has done around 15 acquisitions to date, spending almost $ 3 billion.
Last week, he obtained a US digital reading platform, which focuses on children aged 12 years and down, for $ 500 million.
BYJU’s built himself into a digital and online learning powerhouse – focusing on everything from K12 to competitive test preparation and professional education.
The idea is to make continuum for lifelong students.
BYJU said it had allocated $ 400 million next to the acceleration of great learning growth.
Great learning was founded by Mohan Lakhamraju, former Global Head of India Tiger, and the Day of Krishnan Nair & Arjun Nair.
It offers relevant programs in the industry in software engineering, business management, business analysis, data science, machine learning, AI, Cybersecurity, digital marketing, and design thinking.
Great Learning programs were developed in collaboration with academic institutions such as Stanford University, MIT, Texas University in Austin, Singapore National University, and some IIT.
Lakhhamraju said that great learning across revenue rates of $ 100 million in the financial year 2020-21, 150% growth from the previous fiscal.
“We have 1.6 million students, and 2,800 mentors on the platform of 170 countries.
We have a level of completion of 91%, compared to other people who have 70%.
About 66% of students can achieve career transitions in 12 months,” he said , The lakhhamraju said that their prices were in the range of 50,000 to RS 7 lakh, depending on the duration and nature of the program.
“Those who registered for the program we have seen their salaries jumped by Rs 2 Lakh.
They recover costs in 1-2 years,” he said.
Great learning will continue to operate as an independent unit under a larger Byju brand.
Co-founder BYJU BYJU RAVEDRAN said constantly suspending and reskilling is very important to remain relevant, and big learning will allow BYJU to offer these options to students.
“Continuous education and higher education will be accelerated in the future, and they will be directed towards online,” he said.
BYJU’s has become a favorite of private investors.
It has collected around $ 2.7 billion from investors to date, most of the last year.

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