Cal HC allows green window crackers 2 hours – News2IN

Cal HC allows green window crackers 2 hours

Cal HC allows green window crackers 2 hours
Written by news2in

Kolkata: The Calcutta High Court on Monday walked along with the command of the Supreme Court, which only allowed green crackers during the puja-diwali celebration for two hours on Thursday night.
The court also warned that the state would be responsible if there was a violation.
Following orders, the State Pollution Control Agency (PCB) issued a notification that repeated imported prohibitions, purchases, sales, storage, and the use of all types of fireworks except green fireworks in the state.
A PCB official clarified that there was no producer in the state that had not received certification by the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (Neer) to make fireworks, which without fireworks could not be called “green”.
However, manufacturing and fireworks traders, told the court on Wednesday that only the Certified Coper Certified to be sold in the state.
The manufacturing section and traders previously claimed that most of the fireworks produced in the country were green, although not certified by neeri.
Sara Paschim Banga Topji Unnayan Samity (Spbaus), a Federation of Fireworks Manufacturing Organizations in the State, has transferred the Supreme Court to get green fireworks approved for use after the Calcutta High Court issued a fireworks ban.
On Wednesday, the Space Stock of the High Court from Judge Rajasshekhar Mantatha and Keshang Doma Bhutia agreed to the use of green crackers, but stopped from issuing additional directions when they felt that doing that at the last moment would make a difficult implementation for the country.
The judges also recognized the challenge.
“This court is aware of the fact that it is impossible to examine and ensure that green crackers are used in every corner and corner of the state.
However, all necessary efforts must be carried out by the state to ensure that,” the court observed, added the responsibility of the law enforcement of the Supreme Court and NGT has been set at the Secretary of the House and Commissioner and police supervisor.
The court also emphasizes the interests and needs to maintain a clean environment and clean air and say it is everyone’s responsibility.
“All citizens must follow and ensure that even the green firecrackers used do not cause discomfort for others.
The appropriate awareness campaign must be carried out by all stakeholders.
The restrictions forced by themselves must be pushed by aggressively,” read orders.
During the day, Kolkata police went to the regions and increased high to explain to residents how to identify and buy green crackers, and advise everyone to avoid exploding other crackers that could cause arrest and penalty.
In court, lawyer Srijib Chakraborty, representing the manufacturer and trader of Cracker, said his clients had provided efforts that there were no crackers except green – carrying licenses and certification of neeri and peso with a scanable QR code using a suitable scanner to use the authenticity – will be sold .
But on the ground, there are clandestine sales that are widespread of crackers that are prohibited.
The pollution and police council Kolkata then issued a telephone number of the control room that was set to register complaints and take action.
In addition to having a cellular monitoring team throughout the city, pollution boards have extended the control room timings to Friday morning.
“We used to end the control room at 2 o’clock in the morning.
But our previous experience was that there was a surge of crackers using post-midnight.
Therefore, extensions,” explained an official.
The police have also been wearing hotspots, where violations will withdraw the response immediately.
The Covid Hospital has the highest priority, where special forces have been deployed.
The police also maintained a watch in the apartment and a high increase, where Covid patients were in isolation of houses.
The slums will also be monitored to prevent the use of sound pollution crackers.
The police have save 115 autorickshaws ready for supervision in certain spots.

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