Calangute Teen Death: Cops Search for Medical College Goa Opinion about Autopsy Reports – News2IN

Calangute Teen Death: Cops Search for Medical College Goa Opinion about Autopsy Reports

Calangute Teen Death: Cops Search for Medical College Goa Opinion about Autopsy Reports
Written by news2in

Panaji / Calangute: Calangute police on Friday wrote to Goa Medical College (GMC) asked him to form a doctor’s panel to give an expert opinion on the postmortem report from a 19-year-old woman who was found dead on the Calangute beach last month, reported Murari Shetye.
The teenage father raises doubts on the postmortem report.
“We have been looking for expert opinions about the questions raised by the Father,” said Calangute Pi Nolasco Raposo, who confirmed to Ti that the letter was aimed at GMC Dean.
Twenty days after his daughter was found dead, the father on Wednesday filed a complaint of the police who claimed that his daughter was killed by unknown people who were forcibly drowned.
In complaints, my father quoted a postmortem report, he said, showed that the body lay on his back with his face up, while in the photos of the body, the woman who had died was seen lying down, which showed someone changed.
body position.
The father also said that the postmortem report stated that his stomach was empty.
“This means my daughter does not sink into deep sea water.
If not, he will have water in his stomach.
On the other hand, there is sand in his vocal chord, which means he sank in sea water on the beach,” he said in his complaint.
The Father also cites the presence of several injuries to the body.
“Because they are not deep bruits, they are not caused by hard objects, …
they may be forcibly holding someone else with their hands,” he said.
The police, to reach the “final stage” inquiry, said that they had not found “evidence to show a rotten game”.
A senior officer said that they investigated all the angles notified to them by the family of women who died.
“After investigating (all) angles, we did not find evidence to show a rotten game in this case,” he said.
The police said that the investigation was and that they investigated other corners.

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