Calcutta HC prohibits all fireworks until the end of the year – News2IN

Calcutta HC prohibits all fireworks until the end of the year

Calcutta HC prohibits all fireworks until the end of the year
Written by news2in

Kolkata: The Calcutta High Court on Friday issued a blanket ban in the fireworks – or a light transmitter – or sound – until the end of the year for the second year on trot, putting aside the commands issued by the state pollution control board two days ago it allowed green crackers for two Hours during Puja times, Diwali and Chhath Puja and 35 minutes on Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Only candles or oil-based Diyas or ground lights that will be permitted.
The State Fireworks Association said it would move the Supreme Court to the order.
Increasing the prohibition of crackers announced by the court last year too – because of the pandemic, where the increase in air pollution can cause serious complications in Covid patients suffering from respiratory disorders – Calcutta High Court Bench of Heasharyya and Aniruddha Roy commented that the ban on blankets was being forced by considering practical reality Because there is no mechanism set to ascertain whether a cracker is sold, explodes or lights up with the norm and qualifies to be called “green cracker”.
Advocacy State of General S N Mookherjee, along with the Regional Polutionary Control Board of lawyers and lawyers representing firecrackers, argues that the National Green Court, and the Supreme Court, has permitted the use of green crackers for several hours.
Srijib Chakraborty, advice for the association of firecrackers, is subsequently conveyed that if certified green crackers are also prohibited, it will amount to a large loss for the industry that has been invested – both money and human resources – in making green crackers for this year’s festival season.
Holiday benches, however, refused to appeal, showed that it would be an impossible task for the police to ensure the truth of cracker certificates, regardless of the classification where they sold.
“Leaving the window open for the use of green crackers will positively require abundant abuse of such windows,” the command word, added, “Given the current pandemic situation and given the fact that it is even moderately in air quality because of severe difficulties for people who are severe suffering from old respiratory problems and exposure can also affect healthy people, we are not sure that firecrackers of all forms, both green or from other categories, must be permitted during the upcoming celebration season.
“The prohibition of fireworks will cover all festivals this year , including Chhath, Jagaddharti Puja, birthday teacher Nanak, New Year’s Eve.
Friday orders specifically mention that the prohibition will cover all types of fireworks, whether they emit sound or light or both when exploding, lit or burned.
“The state must ensure there is no point in use or exploding firecrackers from any type during the celebration.
Only Diyas-based candles or oil or land lights that can be used,” said the court.
HC also explained that green cracker norms “were not under challenges before we”.
It cares about efforts to deliver a pollution cracker as “green crackers” and enforcement of green crackers norms, it’s clarified.
By 2020, too, HC has banned firecrackers in front of Puja times to curb pollution in the middle of a pandemic.
The state government also appealed to residents to avoid firecrackers that exploded to examine air pollution.
Eco-friendly and doctors praise orders.
Shows that crackers emit sulfur dioxide, various nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, all of which affect the lungs, they say the use of fireworks can significantly increase the risk of Covid attacks, because SO2 irritates the respiratory system directly, while nitrogen oxide increases stress Oxidative and scrape the lung protective mucosa layer.
Dipendra Sarkar, Professor, Postgraduate Medical Education Institute (IPGMER), said: “The ban on firecrackers will have direct and indirect benefits.
First, it will reduce the meeting and prevent transmission at the time of Covid numbers up.
Secondly, it will help them That suffers from Covid by reducing pollution, which is harmful to the lungs.
Many of them also have heart disease, which is emphasized by firecrackers.
“The Firecracker industry expressed disappointed.
“We will move the Supreme Court to protect the industry and 33 lakh workers, who live and their livelihoods are at stake,” said Sara Bangla Tanhbaji Chairman Samity Unnour Babla Roy.

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