‘Can all Delhi government schools run in a single shift?’ – News2IN

‘Can all Delhi government schools run in a single shift?’

'Can all Delhi government schools run in a single shift?'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Paying attention to increasing student registration in Delhi government schools and resolving additional school infrastructure development, the Directorate of Education has been written for all district education officers to explore the possibility of changing all double shifting schools for one-shift.
At present, some schools are run in two shifts, early morning for girls and evenings for boys.
Of the 1030 government schools in Delhi, 429 were daughter schools, 407 boys and 194 co-educations.
If all institutions now choose only to have one shift, most will be a co-ed school.
Circular doe sent to the district education deputy officer (DDE) on Friday said, “Given the increase in registration in government schools, all deputy educational (district) deputy directors are directed to explore the possibility of changing the school double shifting into a single shift and also made a wise plan Schools to shift students in coordination with the School Management Committee and parents so that the quality of education can be increased.
Because the construction of additional rooms is almost complete, plans to convert schools from double shifts to a single shift can be explored.
“According to available data, students who are available Attending the morning shift and single-shift school has performed better in the CBSE class X and XII exam from the night shift.
In 2021, the night shift had a percentage of 99.88% pass the XII Council’s results against 99.96% and 99.98% for public schools and morning shifts.
The importance of running a single-shift school in Delhi has been highlighted regularly.
Nearly a decade ago, the committee was founded by the National Council for educational research and training for ‘Development of a Policy Framework for the Implementation of Children’s Rights to Free and Mandatory Education Business, 2009’ in Delhi has ended doubled – School practices Shift.
This size is also inspired by examples of other countries, such as Ghana, which applies policies to convert all multiple-shift schools into one-shift.
A paper issued by the University of Oslo decided that the reason behind the Ghana policy decision was to ensure effective and efficient teaching and learning by extending teaching time.
Even in 2019, DOE has planned to convert 92 schools to a single shift system after the construction of a new school building.
The addition of space has produced a student ratio per class falling to less than 40.

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