Can the pit help in other areas too? MCG to survey – News2IN

Can the pit help in other areas too? MCG to survey

Can the pit help in other areas too? MCG to survey
Written by news2in

Gurgaon: Gurgaon City Corporation (MCG) is exploring the option to build a small pool, hole or tributary in the flood-prone area.
The decision was taken at a meeting chaired by the Mayor of Madhu Azad, where officials showed how the water channel and the Natural River had helped the golf path dry when other parts of the city were under the bushes on Monday.
Urban planning experts support the decision, but insist that Gurgaon must adopt a multi-branch approach to overcome flooding during the rainy season.
“This is a good decision Sawah Ram said, a professor of transportation planning in school planning and architecture, Delhi.
He added that an alternative approach must maintain water at the top.
In underpasses and areas where these holes cannot be made, hold water at the top and then divert them through the water channel and the river will help – the approach that helps the golf path dry on Monday.
Mukta rose, an urban planning expert and a colleague at the policy research center, agreed that the recovery of the natural drainage system in Aravalis had helped prevent golf on the golf course.
“Making a small hole or pool and restoring a natural river is a principle that is not damaging.
But we have to find a technical solution in areas where this cannot be implemented to divert extra water.
However, this refill zone will only be feasible in the plain area Low natural, available, “said up.
MCG in June identified 80 areas throughout the city which was vulnerable to waterlogging.
Asked whether it was worthy of making such structures in all flood-prone areas, experts say interventions do not need to appear on the site itself.
“For example, if you want to deal with waterlogging in Rajiv Chowk, you have to intervene from Ghata and Badshahpur down so that runoff doesn’t reach Rajiv Chowk.
We must have a multi-branch approach,” said the rise.

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