Canacona Church Gears Up for SFX Feast in the middle of the Covid protocol – News2IN

Canacona Church Gears Up for SFX Feast in the middle of the Covid protocol

Canacona Church Gears Up for SFX Feast in the middle of the Covid protocol
Written by news2in

Pinguinim: Preparation for Novena and Heritage Party in the Church of St Francis Xavier in Bhatpal, Canacona has begun working under a way to install a large pandal outside the Church compound, said Freddy Dias Freddy.
This year because of covid related restrictions, only pandal outside the church will be used for Novenas and party masses, said FR Dias.
This will ensure social distance among worshipers who will attend Novena and daily daily services.
“Face masks, sanitis, and social distance will be maintained during all celebrations,” said FR Dias, adding that those who attended services from November 24 to December 3 must comply with the government.
The St Francis Xavier party specifically for worshipers from across Canacona Taluka as part of the bone of the saints is preserved in a small glass crate in the church.
The Church of St Francis Xavier increased from a chapel and was dedicated to the Saints in 1968, now everything faces Novenas starting on Wednesday, and for a party on 3.
December loyal from Canacona, Karwar around the closest places will glorify Hitanan Saint Spain from November 24 to the feast.
“A piece of index finger bone Saint sent to Canacona at that time the cave bishop, Rev Francisco Xavier de Piedade Rebello,” said FR.
Thanks to Maddi (banners) will begin on Tuesday after Mass in the morning at 7:15 a.m.
Novenas will be held from November 24 to December 2 with Morning Mass preceded by Rosary at 7:45 a.m.
and the night mass was preceded by the Rosary at 4.45.
The party mass will be held at 10 am and will be led by Canacona Dean, FR Santana d’Souza who will also preach homili.
Another mass on the feast will be at 6am, 7.15 in the morning and 8.30 in the morning, said FR Dias.
The mass of 8.30 in the morning has been specifically scheduled for worshipers from taluka and visitors from other countries, while other masses are only for parishes, said FR Dias.
Pilgrims who travel from neighboring Karwar, Maharashtra and other outstation locations will be allowed to attend the function by maintaining social distance.
For several months, the relics remained in St Theresa from the Church of Jesus in Chaudi, Canacona, but when the chapel was appointed to the church after the decree issued by Bishop Rebello in 1968, the relic was talented to the Bhatpal Church by Priest Parish Chauri told the village elders.
Before 1968, the chapel party was celebrated in May, but then it was decided to celebrate a party on December 3.

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