Candidates for MPC waiting for the exam, interviews & results – News2IN

Candidates for MPC waiting for the exam, interviews & results

Candidates for MPC waiting for the exam, interviews & results
Written by news2in

Pune: More than 5,700 Pending interviews from qualified candidates, non-declaration of 1,300 candidates and delays in carrying out the examination in May 2020, while installing pressure on the Maharashtra Public Commission (MPSC) candidate.
Suicide of the MPSC Swapnil Lonkar Aspiran last week has raised the fate of many candidates.
Online campaigns start hours after Lonkar’s death has students who demand that the commission begin the process as soon as possible.
Lonkar, who had cleared the MPSC written test in 2019, was found depending on the ceiling fan at the residence of Phursungi on Wednesday.
In a suicide note, Lonkar said pressure had increased due to increased uncertainty in the MPSC exam schedule and the overall pandemic situation.
After suicide, the state government formed an expert committee announced by the main minister of Uddhav Thackeray who would suggest ways to avoid future delays after the exam was conducted.
Mandar Patki and IAS Batch 2019, now assistant collector in Amravati, said, “The case of Swapnil Lonkar is an ugly reality of competitive examination.
For all candidates out there, think of a thousand times before making extreme decisions, talk to someone, try to form a plan B And do it.
MPSC should not end up by itself.
“Prasad Naware, a candidate, said,” The government must seriously take the exam.
Delay in the process of adding youth pressure.
We have been waiting for interviews for years but the government seems incompetent.
“Mukesh Gade , another candidate, said, “First, it is a pandemic, then, it is a reservation problem and among them we have waited for two years for interviews.
We hope this suicide is an eye opener for the government and it takes a direct step towards Positive and save life.
“Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad on Monday N protest in the collector to condemn the death of Lonkar.
“We have protested today to ensure a sad incident does not occur again.
If the government continues to ignore the candidate, then we will increase this protest.” There was a high drama in Kolectoran when a candidate tried to jump from the floor to the security net to express his disappointment.
He was saved by staff members.
The police took detention two candidates who had jumped into the security net.
A group of candidates from Aurangabad who have cleared the examination but have not received the post have updated demand for the earliest work letter.
The candidates said that they did not have a job even though the crack crack had made them broken hearted.
They said that they faced pressure from family and society because of their unemployment.

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