‘Cannot claim privileges for’ criminal law ‘mlaas – News2IN

‘Cannot claim privileges for’ criminal law ‘mlaas

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Oppo Leader V D Sathean said there was no privilege for MLA if they enjoyed criminal activities in the assembly.
Privileges only for the speech they made at home.
If they attack MLA UDF hard inside the house how they can claim privileges, he asks.
While referring to the request submitted by the state and MLA government to cancel the Ruckus Assembly case assigned to LDF members at home, said opposition leader, “there is no court in this country who will receive demand for the state government.” It is a fact that there are no cases that can be registered based on the speech made by MLA at home.
That is the only privilege and MLA.
How could the government claim privileges when a MLA was involved in criminal activities, he asked? “Mola is involved in destroying public property from the Assembly.
This is a criminal activity and cases have been registered to destroy public property.
So, if the government says that MLA has the privilege of doing anything in the house, then if a MLA attacks that Another, so the government will claim the same privilege? “Satheani asked.
Strange that the state government and LDF MLA claim special privileges when they have pampered themselves in criminal activities in the house.
Will the action in parliament be forgiven, he asks.
LDF has claimed that K M Mani is the largest corrupt politician that has been witnessed by the state and even his family is haunted by LDF enhancing the case of bribery bar.
LDF even claims that the mani has a currency calculation machine in this house.
In fact, CPM must now apologize for the humiliation campaign they did against Mani and his family.
“Now the CPM secretary claims that they have blocked UDF’s entry in the Assembly.
Do they block Chandy’s ommen or other leaders during the incident? Their target is none other than KM Mani.
The secretary of the party who then KodiYeri Balakrishnan claims that they will not allow corrupt leaders like Km Mani to serve a budget.
Now, how can they make it openly in front of people who have witnessed everything, “Satheani said.

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