Cargil Vijay Diawas: All You Need to Know – News2IN

Cargil Vijay Diawas: All You Need to Know

Cargil Vijay Diawas: All You Need to Know
Written by news2in

The Cargil War, struggling for almost two months, was to reclaim the territory by Pakistan in the State Cargil area of ​​J & K.
India operation was the codeced ‘operation vijay.’ It was concluded on July 26, with the Indian army regaining control of all posts occupied by Pakistani forces, which included regular soldiers and armed militias.
Today marks the 22-year anniversary of India’s victory in Cargil.
This is all you need to know about cargil war.
How it began: the first information about the presence of Pakistan’s intruders at the height in the cargil was forwarded to the Indian Army by the local Shepherd in early May 1999.
5 Indian Army soldiers in patrols arrested were killed by arrested troops.
Infiltration was also reported in the drass sector, KAKSAR and MUSHOH.
The infiltrators have positioned themselves at strategic heights, which gave them profits in the early stages of conflict.
Offensive counter India to reclaim the occupied area at the end of May, the Indian Air Force began an air strike against the alleged position of the infiltrator.
IAF MIG-27 was shot by Pakistani missiles; The pilot was captured by Pakistan, and then released the Indian MI-17 helicopter fired killing 4 crew members.
India then moved in a large number of forces in the future because the conflict developed …
India released the tapping of the conversation between the top Pakistani military officials as evidence of the involvement of the Pakistani army in infiltration.
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif flew to Washington and asked the US to intervene.
However, US President Bill Clinton refused to do so until Pakistani forces withdrew from the Loc.
Victorypakistani India’s troops and terrorists supported by Pakistan began to retreat under heavy attacks by India.
On June 9, two main positions in the Batalik sector were arrested.
Furthermore, all positions occupied in drass are also under Indian control.
Then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee stated that Vijay’s operation was successful on July 14.
On July 26, the Indian army announced a full withdrawal of Pakistani troops – permanent visitors and mercenaries from the region.

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