Case Medicines: Friends Arya Arbaz released from prison – News2IN
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Case Medicines: Friends Arya Arbaz released from prison

Case Medicines: Friends Arya Arbaz released from prison
Written by news2in

Arya Khan’s friend Arbaaz Merchant, who was also arrested by NCB on October 3 in a drug case, was released from Jalan Arthur’s prison on Sunday.
He was given a guarantee with Shah Rukh Khan’s son.
The day after Release Arya, Arbaaz came out of prison after the whole process was complete.
Ani confirmed the same thing and tweeted, “Arbaz Merchant was released from Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai.”
Drug-on-cruise ship case | Arbaz Merchant was released from Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai.— Ani (@ani) 1635665951000

Aryan, Arbaaz and six others were arrested by NCB after they raided a cruise ship in Mumbai and broke a drug party.
Previously today, Munmun Dhamecha was released from prison.
Advocate Dhamecha Ali Kaashif Khan said on Sunday, “He has been released from prison after completing all legal formalities.
We will now submit an application before NCB is looking for permission to allow him to go to Madhya Pradesh, when he comes there.”
HC has a detailed command asking Arya, Arbaaz and Munmun appeared in front of the Mumbai NCB office every Friday between 11:00 a.m.
to 2.00 a.m.
to mark their presence.
Previously, after the children were given guarantees by the Bombay High Court, Ayah Arbaaz Aslam Merchant told the media, “We have been waiting now for 34,560 minutes.
My wife counted a few minutes not days.
These children have traumatized.”
Aryan, Arbaaz and Munmun were given guarantees after 25 days.
Read the Alsodrugs case: Munmun Dhamecha walked out of prison a day after the release of Aryan Khan
Also Read Merchant: My son Arbaaz Merchant told me to remove it today, Aryan Khan counted a few minutes
Read Alsoshah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan felt relieved when Aryan Khan returned to Mannat

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