Casing Covid-19 Top South Korea Daily 2,200, Hit Record – News2IN

Casing Covid-19 Top South Korea Daily 2,200, Hit Record

Casing Covid-19 Top South Korea Daily 2,200, Hit Record
Written by news2in

Seoul: South Korea reported more than 2,200 new Daily Covid-19 cases, a record since the Pandemic began in January, Minister of Health Kwon Deok-Cheol said on Wednesday, as a country rural with the most severe Koronavirus outbreak.
Despite having a distance step for more than a month, infection has surged because the spread of the Delta variant which was more transmitting and the increase in domestic travel during the summer, Kwon told the Covid response meeting.
He also recorded an increase in what was called “silent spreaders” in communities such as workplaces, indoor gyms, churches and nursing homes, which lead to an increase in unknown origin infection.
South Korea has struggled since July to tame the sporadic outbreak in Covid-19 which was initially centered on Metropolitan Seoul but since then spread nationally.
President Moon Jae-In said at the AIDES meeting on Wednesday that the increase in this case was a great concern and requested sustainable cooperation from residents and health officials.
“(We) are in a critical period that can be a turning point for increasing further infection if we fail to stop the current deployment,” said Moon, according to his spokesman.
Nearly half of the newly detected cases were found outside Seoul and in summer vacation spots, while authorities were worried that many people ignored social distance rules.
Kwon really urged people who returned from vacation to be tested voluntarily before returning to work.
The control agency and prevention of Korean disease (KDCA) reported 2,223 new Coronavirus cases for Tuesday, carrying the country’s Coronistus infection to 216,206, with 2,135 deaths.
KDCA officials say the continuation of infection at the current speed can tense the state health care system.
Only 15.7% of the 52 million South Koreans have been fully vaccinated, while 42.1% have received at least one dose of vaccine.
The government’s target is 70% to receive at least one shot in September.

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