PATIALA: District revenue officials in Ropar are ready to withdraw compensation between farmers who face their loss of corn plants…
Ludhiana: Playing it safely, Congress has dismantled the majority of the election of the latest assembly while declaring its nominal…
Ludhiana: A total of 604 voters at the number 174 booth were confused because their names reflected in the Ludhiana…
Ludhiana: Traffic stopped around the Jagraon Bridge on Saturday afternoon because around 150 aspirants were protesting because they did not…
Ludhiana: Nearly a half-year after the vendan employees of liquor were killed by his coworkers in the southern city, Pau…
Ludhiana: Under the fire on the distribution of funds under the Nirman Punjab scheme, Ludhiana Municipal Corporation has begun the…
Ludhiana: The police took about two and a half years to submit a case of sexual attacks on a man…
Ludhiana: Samiti Sahodaya Gwalior will hold the 27th Sahodaya School Complex National Conference under the Aegis Central Secondary Education Council…
Ludhiana: The Livestock Management Department of Livestock Teacher Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (Gervasu) held a three-day training…
Ludhiana: With the first list of Congress candidates announced on Saturday, those who missed the selection tickets were depreciated because…