
Protests at Gandhi Statue turned out to be the center of opposition unity during the winter session

New Delhi: When the parliamentary winter session ended on Wednesday, the day before the schedule, Dharna protested in the Statue…

3 years ago

BJP MPs approaches me for an investigation to buy, install CCTVs before KMC poll: Governor of West Bengal

Kolkata: West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Wednesday said that BJP MPS Arjun Singh and Soumitra Khan had urged him…

3 years ago

People have become loose in observing the appropriate behavior of Covid: AIIMS head in the midst of scare omicron

New Delhi: In the midst of an increase in the case of omicron variants in India, Director of AIims Dr.Randeep…

3 years ago

Anticipatory bail extraordinary medicine, must be used only in a special case: the Allahabad High Court

Prasagraj: Refusing the Second Anticipatory Assurance Application from someone, who allegedly used pasteed bed / degree forged to get a…

3 years ago

India Must Appear World Leaders in Post-Covid Global Order: PM Modi

New Delhi: India must emerge as a world leader in the post-covid global order, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi on…

3 years ago

The IT sector in West Bengal has grown three times in 10 years under TMC: Mamata Banerjee

Kolkata: West Bengal Bengal Head Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said that the IT sector in the state had grown three…

3 years ago

J & K Delimitation Draft Defining Moment for Margent Segments: Rana

Jammu: Former National Conference Officer Devendar Rana, who recently joined BJP, on Wednesday praised the initial recommendations of the restriction…

3 years ago

The houses postpone Die Sine, the session ended earlier days

New Delhi: Parliamentary winter session postponed Sine Die on Wednesday, a day faster than the schedule.While Lok Sabha lost 18…

3 years ago

Haryana lowered the age of legal drinking from 25 to 21

Chandigarh: Haryana on Wednesday reduced the minimum age for consumption of liquor, purchasing or sale from 25 years to 21…

3 years ago

Immediately use one in to access Plethora Government Services, Rights

New Delhi: Immediately you do not need to remember different usernames and passwords to log in and utilize various government…

3 years ago