Caught in Tug Of War – Components 20 Uttarakhand Congress – News2IN

Caught in Tug Of War – Components 20 Uttarakhand Congress

Caught in Tug Of War - Components 20 Uttarakhand Congress
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Dehradun: While the opposition congress has formed a consensus in 50 seats in Uttarakhand, the remaining 20 countries cause problems, according to people in.
The former CM Harish campaign and opposition leader Pritam Singh encouraged the different leaders for this chair, which included five of Dehradun: Raipur, Doiwala, Rishikesh, Mussoaspur, the source added.
At Sahaspur, it was almost certain that Aarendra Sharma, considered a member of the Pritam Singh camp, will get a congressional ticket.
It changed a few months ago, when the name of the youth leader and members of Zila Panchayat Rakesh Singh Negi, supported by Harish Rawat, appeared.
Negi is now considered a strong competitor.
In Dowala, Heera Singh Bisht, who has won a chair in 2014 Bypoll, speculates to get a ticket.
Now, the source said, “unexpected name and surprise” might get Doiwala tickets and bishes can shift to Raipur.
In Raipur, Prabhu Lal Bahuguna and Mahendra Negi Gurui was in the Congress ticket competition.
In Mussoorie, the congress is likely to decide between Jot Singh Gunsoola and Godavari Thapli.
This is the same situation in Rishikesh, where the party has not received a call between Shoorveer Sajwan and Rajpal Kharola.
When contacted, Secretary General of the Congress (Administration) Mathura Dutt Joshi told TI that “it is a healthy competition for party tickets.” “Will be wrong to say that there is a difference.
Every party member has the right to throw his hat on the ring and it’s up to the party to decide who places the bet,” he said.
Joshi added that almost all parties had more than one competitor for each seat and the congress would announce the list every day now.
Both care and Singh also denied having fun.
Harish was said, “There is no difference.
The screening committee has visited the Garhwal and Kumaon area and has directly interacted with the candidates.”

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