Caught on Camera: Libyan Coast Guard Shooting on Migrant Boats – News2IN

Caught on Camera: Libyan Coast Guard Shooting on Migrant Boats

Caught on Camera: Libyan Coast Guard Shooting on Migrant Boats
Written by news2in

Barcelona, ​​Spain: The non-profit sea rescue group on Thursday was a Libyan coast guard after witnessing the Libyan maritime authority in what was described as pursuing crowded migrant boats and shot towards him in a clear effort to stop him from the intersection of the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.
Members of the German non-government group, Sea-Watch filmed the incident on Wednesday while flying over the area in the observation mission.
“Those who shot refugees and tried to reverse their ships were not there to save them.
UE must immediately end the collaboration with what is called the Libya Coast Guard,” Felix Weiss said quoted in a statement from the group released with video.
In recording, filmed from the plane, a blue wooden boat with a small machine and at least two dozen people looked followed in a circle, at high speed, by Libyan coast guards.
During the pursuit, which occurs in international waters under the responsibility of the search and rescue of Malta, men in uniforms on the ship Libya can be seen firing at least twice towards the boat, with bullets that hit the boat.
Libyan coast guards come very close to crashing boats several times.
Sea-watch said it was communicated to the Libyan authority through the radio that they endanger the lives of the people in the blue vessel and urged them to stop shooting.
The Libyan coast guard replies in broken English that they are trying to save migrants.
Short sea sea planes on fuel and turned before the pursuit ended, the statement said.
Then received a report that the ship had arrived on the Island of Italy Lampedusa on Thursday morning.
There were no direct comments about the incident from Libya, Malta or the authorities in Lampedusa.
The European Union trained, completed and supported the Libyan Guard Coast to intercept the people who tried to cross the Mediterranean Central to Europe.
At least 723 people are known to have died or lost to take this route on ships that cannot be maintained so far this year.
Nearly 15,000 men, women and children have been intercepted by the Libyan Guard Coast and returned to the coast of Libya since the beginning of the year until June 26, a record number.
More than 20,000 migrants and refugees have died trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe since 2014.
The stretch of the Central Mediterranean between Italy and Libya has specifically seen the uptick in the crossing and death efforts this year after a pandemic break.
With the support of the EU, Libyan coast guards have increased the interception of migrant boats, returning people into Libya.
But the United Nations and several other rights organizations have condemned their return to a ripped war country, where many were placed in the detention center that sets up with the risk of harassment and torture.

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