CCTV cameras that capture the affair of the Minister of Health of British – News2IN

CCTV cameras that capture the affair of the Minister of Health of British

CCTV cameras that capture the affair of the Minister of Health of British
Written by news2in

LONDON: Mysterious CCTV cameras in the office of the British government department which captured Matt Hancock’s affair with the aide of the women who were close and forced him to go down when the Minister of Health had been removed, his successor Sajid Javid said on Monday.
The new health secretary was asked about the device even when the cabinet minister ordered the sweep of their department’s office for hidden cameras.
The government has confirmed on Sunday that it will investigate how the camera comes to be placed in Hancock’s office smoke alarm and also how to record leaking in clear security violations.
“I have not deactivated the camera you are talking about, but has been disabled by the department,” Javid told reporters, when he started his new job at the Ministry of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
“I think for security it’s just a common sense …
I don’t think, as a general rule, there must be a camera at the Secretary of the State Office.
I never knew that in the other five departments I had run and I wasn’t really sure why there was One here.
But I am sure there will be more than this because the entire incident was investigated, “said the Pakistani-original politician who had previously held the position of British cabinet as a secretary of the house and Chancellor.
Previously, British Justice Secretary Robert Buckland told ‘Sky News’, he had asked his office to sweep the “unauthorized device” because the Minister must have a “safe room” to work.
“I know there is CCTV in the building for clear security reasons, but I am sure that many colleagues I will ask the same question and ensure that the office is swept in case there is an invalid device there which can be a national security violation,” Minister said.
The government is also determined to be questioned more about “security arrangements related to the Office and Communication of the Minister” at the House of Commons.
It came when British Prime Minister Boris Johnson continued to face questions for his rejection to remove Hancock, who claimed to violate the social distance rule Covid-19 by kissing a colleague outside the household bubble in early May.
Johnson initially received Hancock’s apology and said he considered this problem closed.
“I read the story on Friday and we have a new health secretary in posting on Saturday, and I think it’s about the right speed to continue the pandemic,” Johnson said when he pressed this problem on Monday.
The opposition workers insisted that Hancock should be fired immediately after the pictures of the ministers in a compromise position with colleagues Gina Coladangelo was published in the ‘The Sun’ newspaper on Friday.
This publication caused a storm in Hancock’s own conservative party, producing a cabinet exit on Saturday.
It was understood that the Father three had left his wife 15 years, Martha, because of his relationship with the Colladeelo described as “serious”.
He has rejected the payment of 16,000 pound severance pay which is scheduled with a ministerial salary which is equivalent to three months – that he has the right to leave the office amid anger for his actions, which critics believed to damage the government’s pandemic policy.
Meanwhile, Hancock was also accused of potentially violating the Minister’s Guidelines by using his personal e-mail account for the government’s business.
In a letter to the Cabinet Secretary and Information Commissioner Labor Party Deputy Leader Angela Rayner demanded “full-scale investigation” into whether private e-mail has been used to discuss government contracts, and if their use may potentially violate the law.
The official guide states that where the government business is done using a personal email address, steps must be taken “to ensure relevant information can be accessed”.
Labor leader Sir Keer Starmer said there was a “big question still to be answered” for the government.

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