Center said two covaxin doses even had to get welled in Covid – News2IN

Center said two covaxin doses even had to get welled in Covid

Center said two covaxin doses even had to get welled in Covid
Written by news2in

Pune: Someone must take two doses of anti-covid vaccines, Covaxin, even after recovering from Covid-19, because they are considered a fully vaccinated individual, the UNI Ministry of Health officials said on Saturday.
A recent study from the Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) states that one dose of Kovaxin may be enough to protect those who have recovered from Covid-19 infection from contracts it again, unlike those who are not infected that must take two doses to be fully protected.
However, the official clarified that at this time, there was no change in vaccination doses and no communication was released for it.
“According to the specified format, two doses must be taken for post-covid infections full vaccination.
Because there are no changes in the protocol, there will be no change in the Co-Win application,” the UNI Ministry of Health officials said.
ICMR officials also stated that both vaccine doses would be ideal even for individuals who were previously infected for full vaccination.
The ICMR senior epidemiologist, Dr.
Samiran Panda, said, “full vaccination requires two doses, and this must be followed.” ICMR conducted research, “antibody response to the BBV152 vaccine in the previous individual was infected with SARS-COV-2: pilot study”, in 114 health professionals and frontline workers, who took Covaxin shots between February and May, 2021.
found that they were infected Covid-19 and took a covaxin dose showed a similar immune response as a participant that was never infected by Covid-19 infection and had received a vaccine dose.
Studies published in Indian Medical Research Journal stated that initial data showed that a single dose of humoral immunity induced BBV152 in the previously infected individual equivalent to two vaccine doses in individual-naive infection individuals (not infected).
This shows that “participants with the previous SARS-COV-2 infection, after a single vaccine dose (BBV152), produced levels of IgG (N) and IGG antibodies, along with the level of response inhibition of NAB binding, which is similar to infection.
-You vaccinated participants who has taken two doses of vaccines “.
According to ICMR, the findings of this study offer evidence in supporting vaccine strategies that are oriented to the health of the public and immunically which can include recommending a one-dose regimen for those infected by Covid-19.
It is said this finding must be confirmed with a large-size cohort study.
Panda said further studies will be carried out.

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