Center tries to change Kashmir demographics, said S Ramachandran Pillai – News2IN

Center tries to change Kashmir demographics, said S Ramachandran Pillai

Center tries to change Kashmir demographics, said S Ramachandran Pillai
Written by news2in

Kottayam: CPM member Politbiro S Ramachandran Pillai said that the central government was carried out in Kashmir what Israel did in Palestine.
Speaking when inaugurating the district met CPM here at the City Hall on Thursday, Pillai said that people from other religions were being sent there to change the composition of the majority of Muslim populations.
He also said that Kashmir was made by the union area without holding discussions anywhere.
The Minister issued a piece of paper from his pocket to announce that the country was being divided.
Pillai said that such actions would damage democracy.
He also slammed the Congress Party which explained that the party was unable to take BJP.
Parties dominated by the family are controlled by Trio-Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka.
There was no democracy in the party, he said.
He also argues that regional parties must unite against BJP.
Some regional parties have taken anti-BJP stands.
Sividesa and thekalidal have decided the relationship with BJP to shift into the opposition, he said.
Pillai also criticized propaganda against China.
He argued that the propaganda was intended to attack CPM.
“The party has faced this previous attack.
When America and other countries attack China, they use India too for that.
America has troubled by the progress made by China.
China’s contribution to eradicating poverty in the world is 70pc Indian contributions in increasing poverty in the world is 60 pc, “he said.
Pillai also criticized the governors who said that the governor many countries act as RSS propagandis.

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