CEO of Apple Team Cook said users who want to put aside the application can use Android: What is Sideloading and why Apple opposed it – News2IN

CEO of Apple Team Cook said users who want to put aside the application can use Android: What is Sideloading and why Apple opposed it

CEO of Apple Team Cook said users who want to put aside the application can use Android: What is Sideloading and why Apple opposed it
Written by news2in

CEO of Apple Tim Cook recently that customers who want to put aside the application must consider buying Android devices.
Talking in the New York Times ‘Dealbook’ Summit, “I think people have that choice today, Andrew.
If you want to put it aside, you can buy an Android phone,” he said.
Cook compares sidelooading applications to car makers who sell cars without airbags or seatbelts.
“From our point of view, it will be like if I am a car manufacturer who tells [a customer] not to put airbags and seat belts in the car.
He will never think about doing this today.
Too risky to do it .
And it won’t be an iPhone if you don’t maximize security and privacy, “Apple CEO added.
This is not the first time Apple openly criticized the idea of ​​sideloading apps.
The company always opposes this idea.
Apple even published a white paper in October explained why and how sideloading can be dangerous for users.
However, this, for the first time the cook had talked about the idea.
What is sideloading appsideloading allows users to download and install applications directly to their smartphone from open internet.
This means users can download and install applications from online markets that are not subject to sanctions by device makers.
This means even if the application is not available on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, users will be able to download it.
While Apple does not allow users to download applications from third-party application stores, Google allows Android users to override the application.
However, Google also warns users to avoid using applications from third-party application stores for security reasons.
Security research companies also warn Android users not to download applications from anywhere other than the official Google App Store, Google Play.
This is why Apple said it was against sideloading * forcing sideloading to the iOS ecosystem would make the iPhone less safe and trustworthy for users.
Apple currently protects users by giving applications and developers in the App Store, keeping the application unauthorized, and quickly contain the deployment of malicious applications.
* Screen Overview Application All applications and application updates are sent to the App Store to check various types of known malware, including the infected SDK used in supply chain attacks.
Through the application review process, Apple’s goal is to ensure that the application in the App Store can be trusted and safe.
Apple continues to improve this process, continue to update and improve tools and review app methodologies.
* Forcing Apple to support sideloading on iOS will allow harmful and unauthorized applications to reach users easier; This will damage the features that give users control over the application they download; And it will damage iPhone protection on the device.
* If sideloading is supported on iOS, malicious actors will be able to distribute the copycat version of the popular application that deceives users.
In the App Store, the application only comes from known and inspected developers, and their content is reviewed by members of the application review team.
This process functions to prevent, for example, the Trojan application poses as a fake clubhouse version and steal user entry credentials.
* Sideloading will be a step back for user security and privacy: Supports sideloading on iOS devices Basically it will change it to “pocket pcs,” back to PC days full of viruses.
* Developers themselves will become more susceptible to the threat of evil actors that offer developer tools that contain and spread malware.
Developers will also be more susceptible to intellectual wealth piracy and theft, which will damage their ability to get paid for their efforts and innovation.

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