CEO of Apple Tim Cook on why he started his day really in the morning – News2IN

CEO of Apple Tim Cook on why he started his day really in the morning

CEO of Apple Tim Cook on why he started his day really in the morning
Written by news2in

It’s no secret that the Apple CEO of the Cook team is the initial riser because he has mentioned some interviews.
Now, Cook has explained why he started the day so early.
In an interview with Australia’s financial review, Cook revealed, “I did that because I could control the morning better than the night and all day.
Things happen throughout the day it blew you of course.
Morning is yours.
Or should I say, should I say, The morning is yours.
“Cook further revealed that he often used that time to read hundreds of email customers he got.
He admitted that he could not read everything but “I read the amazing amount of them.
It keeps my hand on the pulse of what advice and thinks and do.” As soon as he reads them to their respective teams.
Need certain customer feedback.
He also said that the email relating to Apple Watch where the customer told how the device saves their lives “really means something.” to Apple.
Cook also said that Apple always wants to create products that “enrich people’s lives, and there are no better examples than saving someone.” In an interview before, the CEO of Apple has said that once he finished reading the email, he went to the gym “and exercised for an hour because it made my stress”.
Apple and Cook are preparing for the next big event in September.
Apple is expected to launch the four new iPhones next to Apple Watch and some iPad models.
There is no date of launch announced but the iPhone 2021 is expected to be launched around the second week of September.

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