Channels flow, flood fields: Why Muradnagar is Dengue Hotspot – News2IN

Channels flow, flood fields: Why Muradnagar is Dengue Hotspot

Channels flow, flood fields: Why Muradnagar is Dengue Hotspot
Written by news2in

Ghaziabad: Some villages in Muradnagar, with their solid population and flooding roads with the absence of appropriate drainage networks, have become the cause of concern for the Ministry of Health.
Of the total 1,050 dengue cases in Ghaziabad this year, which is the highest calculation of the district since 2014, 25% has been reported in these villages.
Two villages, in particular, have reported the number of worries (55) and dedoli (30).
These villages are located near the Muradnagar Canal (Gang Nahar) and Waterlogging in and around these areas because the extended rainy season has become a perfect breeding place for mosquitoes.
A visit to the two villages, located 10 km, revealed that there was no one house in an area that had not reported a fever case over the past few weeks.
According to the villagers, the situation was quite alarming a few weeks ago, but the case now declined.
While Manauli has a population of around 2,500 people, there are around 5,000 living in Dotholi Village.
Satish Sani, a member of Panchayat nobles and grandson of Maniuli Village Pradhan Chandro Devi, “After several people reported fever and some were found to have bloody fever in a private hospital, I approached a doctor at the Muradnagar community health center and looked for them please.
But they are indifferent indifferently anything in the village.
“There is no sound of water in the village, but around it.
Although the case of dengue fever has increased rapidly, not many people are contracted by malaria,” he added.
When villages do not have the right drainage system, gutter water thrown from households flows into the fields.
This year, prolonged rain ensures the surface of the water remains high in the field.
“The girl of my 14-year-old sister was the first to fall ill at the beginning of October.
Immediately after, our father was contracted with dengue fever.
My wife, niece and I are the next line.
Only my wife and I have to be hospitalized and I have to be hospitalized Esik at Sahibabad for five days.
Although the number of platelets we dropped below 40,000, we did not require any transfusion, “said Tinku Saini (33), a resident of Manoli.
Tintu raised questions about health infrastructure.
“There is a sub-center.
But the doctors posted there are busy with covid vaccination.
He is almost not available.
The closest primary health center is in Saunda, which is about 12 km.
Chc in Muradnagar is equally far away.
Most people around it depend on Doctors and personal shamans, “he added.
The villagers in Dotholi have similar complaints about the Ministry of Health.
“The health department did several camps here, but then left the people themselves.
Most of us ran to Modinagar for treatment.
Those who are unable to get expensive care remain at home and pray to God.
Fortunately, there were no victims.
But the situation Worse in October, “Rahul Dhandwal (35), who had contracted a viral disease with his sister.
RK District Supervision Officer Gupta said, “This situation is now starting to increase and the cases are declining.
As far as muradnagar, some breeding spots are detected but we suspect that some of the first cases may come from outside and infect Aedes mosquitoes, which in turn Spreading disease in villages.
“Gupta said a series of steps was taken to contain the spread of disease.
“Apart from the fogging and anti-larva spray, a drive began to bring all the allegations of sufferers of fever from the villages to the nearest hospital in the ambulance.” “For this, the Department, with the help of Pradhans and other local representatives, identified villages that have more cases of fever.
The five ambulances were deployed and we held a dengue camp there,” said Malaria District Officer GK Mishra.

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