Check FACT: Is the shivling launched in Mecca? – News2IN
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Check FACT: Is the shivling launched in Mecca?

Check FACT: Is the shivling launched in Mecca?
Written by news2in

Claima photos from large black stones that are covered in part by black cloth are being circulated throughout the social media platform with claims that Shivling (Representation of Aniconic Lord Shiva) was launched in the city of Mecca.
In particular, Mecca, the desert valley in West Saudi Arabia, is considered the most holy city of Islam.
हर हर महादेव इतिहास में पहलीार मक्का मदीना का शिवलिंग दिखाया गया है प्लीज रिट्वीट जरूर करें? Alpana Tomar ???Kattar Hindu Wadi ??? (@alpana_tomar) 1625065284000IT is claiming that the shivling was revealed and displayed for the first time in history in Mecca.
Images have become viral with this claim since 2015.
Troyno Shivling was found in Mecca.
Virus images show Yamani Rukan (Yemeni corner).
This is one of the 4 Kabah angles, a cube-shaped structure made of stone in the most important mosque center of Islam, the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
This is considered the most sacred site in Islam.
Verification and methodology of the back-image search method with time filters, we found an article on October 14, 2013 which brought the same photo and identified it as a Yamani entrance.
This is the southwest corner pointing towards Yemen.
The corner of the Kabah is called Rukan Yamani because it is located on the Kaaba side facing Yemen’s land.
It has nothing to do with Lord Shiva and Shivling.
Some other Islamic websites carry images that identify it as Yemen’s angle.
It was not launched recently but has been around for centuries.
VerdictTimes Check Fact Check has found that a photo corner of the chaos is wrong because the shivling is seen in Mecca.

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