Chennai: 20 Sarang Olive Ridley, 2,220 eggs found at night – News2IN

Chennai: 20 Sarang Olive Ridley, 2,220 eggs found at night

Chennai: 20 Sarang Olive Ridley, 2,220 eggs found at night
Written by news2in

Chennai: Margasatwa authorities in Chennai and volunteer students of the Turtle Conservation Network (SSTCN) who saw 20 Ridley olive turtle nests on Thursday and collected 2,220 eggs.
This nest is located in the stretch between the Muara Nagar and Adyar area.
Chennai Wildlife Warden E Prasant said, after years, the beach patrol team, along with SSTCN volunteers, identified 20 nests in this stretch on one night, which rarely occur.
Last year, anti-hunting observer in Pulikus (Pazhaverkadu) was located 24 nests on one night and collected more than 2,500 eggs, he said.
Anti-hunting observers from the Ministry of Forestry, during their journey of turtles, located six nests between NeelanCarai and Besant Nagar and seven others between Besant Nagar and Adyar Muara.
SSTCN volunteers found seven again at Marina Beach, said Prasant.
Anti-hunting and volunteers take Turtle running on two time slots.
Volunteers began to run at 11pm and continued until 2.30 in the morning.
The anti-hunting observers then took over and continued the journey between Napier Bridge and Neelankarai, covering 25 km, until 5.30 in the morning.
A SSTCN volunteer said the eggs collected were stored safely in the holes created to hatch them in Besant Nagar and Neelankarai in the city.
After 45 days of these eggs will start hatching and Late will be released into the sea after dark.
Explain the reason for releasing a late nightlock, Prasant said Late will be a easy prey for crows and other birds if they were released during the day.

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