Chennai: 69% of Covid’s death in December is unvaxxed – News2IN

Chennai: 69% of Covid’s death in December is unvaxxed

Chennai: 69% of Covid's death in December is unvaxxed
Written by news2in

Chennai: Nearly seven of the 10 people who died in the city because Covid-19 in December had not taken two doses of vaccines, said Greater official Chennai Corporation on Monday.
Data from medical records of medical colleges managed by the State and Covid Hospital in the city show that 28 of the 41 people who died in December did not take vaccines.
Data from the State Health Bulletin shows that most of them have comorbidity and over 60.
A total of 37 of 41 people who die have comorbidity such as Parkinson’s, hypertension or diabetes, and most of them are senior citizens.
Most people are infected with Delta variants, officials said.
Although more than 90% of adults in Chennai have taken at least one dose of vaccines and more than 70% have completed vaccination, more than 3 lakh people have ignored vaccines and at least 8 lakh people matured for the second dose, officials said.
“We see the great benefits of vaccination,” said the corporate commissioner Gagandeep Singh Bedi.
The urgent need to increase awareness because vaccination increases, we see a decline in the percentage of people who enter the hospital, said Gagandeep Singh Bedi.
Similar results were seen in all states in September last year.
In August and September, from 88,719 people tested positively on Tamil Nadu, at least 63% did not take any vaccines, 24% of them were partially vaccinated and 13% was fully vaccinated.
The difference is Stark in the acceptance and death of the ICU.
Nearly 87% of death and 76% of ICU revenues are among those who are not vaccinated.
“We see adults who are fully vaccinated positive testing for viral infections.
Reasons why we still ask them to wear masks, maintain social distance and follow the Covid-19 protocol, but the risk of infection is lower,” said Director Dr.
Public Dr.
TS Selva Vinayagam.
“On the other hand, ICU acceptance and death are significantly higher among those who are not vaccinated.
Every dose of vaccine has increased the benefits.
We see fewer people who are fully vaccinated in the ICU,” he said.
At the Stanley medical college hospital, there were two deaths in December.
“The two patients were not vaccinated,” said Dean Dr.
P Balaji.
With the resurrection in cases, the state must improve its education and health awareness, and ensure 100% coverage, Senior Virology said Vellore-based Vellore Dr.
T Jacob John.

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