Chennai: College waits for nodding to start a new academic year – News2IN

Chennai: College waits for nodding to start a new academic year

Chennai: College waits for nodding to start a new academic year
Written by news2in

Chennai: In a normal academic year, universities will start conducting classes in the third week of June.
But despite completing the exam and stating the results, several city universities have not started the online class for second and third grade students as the Collegiate (DCE) education directorate has not provided a nod to start the 2021-22 academic year.
Colleges are a month behind the schedule.
The delay will affect students who will graduate next year in ongoing education and seek jobs, the professors said.
While many autonomous colleges completed the exam a few weeks ago, online exams throughout the month for students 1.75 lakh in universities affiliated with Madras University will end on Friday.
“The first and final working day of the year is usually announced by the government.
We cannot start online classes without orders,” said M G Ragunathan, Principal of Teacher Nanak College.
Some colleges tried to hold bridge courses online for second and third students to fill the gap in learning but had to suspend it.
Lilian Jasper, Principal of Christian College, said the delay in starting the academic year could affect the past year students planning to go abroad for a higher study.
“They will have enough time to register with overseas universities only if they complete their courses in May,” he said.
In circular colleges to affiliated on Thursday, Madras University asked the Institute to upload values ​​on or before 28 July.
Officials from the university told TII that the university wants to release results at the end of this month or in the first week of August.
“Classes in affiliated colleges may begin after that,” officially added.
Infidiary Colleges also expect guidelines when they can do direct laboratory classes and exams for new academic years.
“We expect the direction of the government about the reopening to refer to the guidelines,” said S Ramanathan, Principal of Madras Madras College.

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