Chennai Corporation to reduce the length of the sewer, cut costs – News2IN

Chennai Corporation to reduce the length of the sewer, cut costs

Chennai Corporation to reduce the length of the sewer, cut costs
Written by news2in

Chennai: City Corporation will use ‘simulation tools’ to ensure errors conducted in estimates for integrated storm water disposal tissue ₹ 2,470 Crore Kosasthalife corrected, reduce at least 100 KM working and 10% of the total cost, after a review to be completed in a month.
The consultant will study topographic and upload it to software to simulate the network and analyze where the channel must be filled and where it does not exist.
This will ensure every drop of water entering the network will flow to one of the 11 disposal points including Lake Korattur, Lake Bukatur, Retalian Lake, Puzhal Lake, Canal Buckham and the Nolah and various surplus channels built by the Department of Public Works.
Along the 784KM network, the brick and mortar channels will be replaced with a concrete structure of 170 km.
Deputy Commissioner (Karya) S Prasanth said the Civic’s body had studied the network using his engineer but had asked consultants to study the hydrology and topography of the area.
“Some basic problems are that gradient levels and invert are not studied and the slopes are not marked.
Some newly built sewers are built recently and we want to delete them or put them in the network, exclude waterways in the sandy area where the marketing occurs naturally and also Build waterways in reverse streams.
In 30 more days, we will finish this, “he said.
The project has eight main lakes and 75 minor tanks as a disposal point and their duty is to ensure that the entire network will be connected so that there will be no water stagnation at which point and the water is drained into the nearest water body.
Even in the location where waterways are not needed, the sewers will be built on the side of the road.
The new drain channel will be included based on the requirements, said an official.
This project has been criticized because some deviations include using old designs, lack of gradient studies and increased costs in preparation of estimates.
The contractor has cried rotten.
“We pay commissions to politicians and officials in 2020 and also for those who are now responsible, regardless of the money deposit truly 1%.
They can not only cancel or remove the project,” said a contractor who did not want to be named.

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