China defends joining India on the ‘phase down’ coal on COP26 – News2IN

China defends joining India on the ‘phase down’ coal on COP26

China defends joining India on the 'phase down' coal on COP26
Written by news2in

Beijing: China on Monday asked developed countries to stop using coal first and provide financial assistance to developing countries to adopt green technology because they defend their steps to join hands with India in calling “the exit” of coal in the last text of the declaration COP26 conference.
Negotiators from nearly 200 countries received a new climate agreement after the COP26 Summit at Glasgow concluded on Saturday with an agreement, which recognized the Indian intervention for the world of “phase down” rather than fossil fuels “phase out”.
“Low carbon transformation is the main trend and the purpose of all countries works,” Chinese Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said to a media direction here.
He responded to the question of COP26 Chair Alok Sharma who was reported to explain that China and India to develop countries why they watered language on efforts to remove coal at the conference and reject the call to “remove” the coal wall instead choosing to “gradual”.
Zhao said, “Increasing the structure of the energy and reduction of carbon consumption ratios is a progressive process that requires respect for the national situation of various countries and their development phases and their different resources”.
“So we must first give consideration in this gap in energy and ensure energy security for developing countries.
We encourage developed countries to stop using coal first and also hope they can provide support to financing technology to developing countries, “he said.
The official Chinese media have criticized Western media to target China and India to suppress “down phases” the use of coal strength instead of “exit phase” in the final text adopted by 197 countries at the COP26 conference which ended last week.
Climate scientists praised “unprecedented global warming determination shown by KTT participants, especially developing countries including China and India, because they not only underlined the urgency of climate problems but also stimulus for developed countries with the actions, the state – Run Global Times reported on Monday.
All COP26 participants, especially developing countries, have shown unprecedented ambitions and determination to overcome climate change, PAN Jiahua, director of the Institute of Urban and Environmental Studies, told The Global Times.
He Praising India to promise to target zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2070.
“It is almost a mission that is impossible for India, which depends on coal for 75 percent of electricity,” PAN said, praising “valuable determination.” In his reply, Zhao said China pay very important for green transformation and have made “extraordinary efforts” for me Control coal consumption of coal power plants.
Since this year, President XI Jinping has announced a series of steps to strictly control coal power plants and to put strict control of coal consumption growth during the current five-year plan and gradually reduce it in five years 15 Plan-year.
“We also support the development of green and low carbon in developing countries and we will not build a new coal power plant project abroad.
It has won great praise from the international community and we also assert it in the declaration along with the US in Glasgow,” Zhao said.

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