China, Pakistan, Afghanistan FMs to hold trilateral talks to Share Afghan peace prospects Following US troops withdrawal – News2IN

China, Pakistan, Afghanistan FMs to hold trilateral talks to Share Afghan peace prospects Following US troops withdrawal

China, Pakistan, Afghanistan FMs to hold trilateral talks to Share Afghan peace prospects Following US troops withdrawal
Written by news2in

BEIJING: Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi will sponsor a trilateral meeting his counterparts in Pakistan and Afghanistan on Thursday to talk about the Afghan peace and reconciliation process, since Beijing stepped up its diplomacy with the 2 countries in the aftermath of the US troops withdrawal by the war-torn nation.
Wang will seat the fourth China- Afghanistan-Pakistan trilateral foreign ministers meeting through video connection where his moves from Pakistan and Afghanistan, Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Mohammad Haneef Atmar, could participate, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday.
Both foreign ministers will possess detailed exchanges of opinions to the Afghan peace and reconciliation procedure, technical collaboration and counterterrorism and security alliance, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a press briefing here.
Last month, China offered to host peace talks between the Afghan authorities and Taliban militants to forge peace in light of the US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan from September.
US President Joe Biden at April declared that American troops could be pulled from Afghanistan from September 11 this season, therefore bringing to finish the nation’s greatest war, spanning over two years.
The US and the Taliban declared a landmark deal in Doha on February 29, 2020 to deliver lasting peace in 2020 Afghanistan and enable US troops to go home from America’s longest war.
Underneath the US-Taliban pact, the US has now agreed to withdraw all of its soldiers out of Afghanistan within 14 months.
Asked about China’s expectations in the interview, Wang said because its beginning in 2017, the trilateral meeting was held twice and achieved positive results.
“According to all, the fourth largest dialog is going to be chaired by China.
The withdrawal of the US and NATO forces at the crucial point, the Afghan peace and reconciliation process introduces new doubts to its national position and regional protection,” he explained.
The fourth dialog will focus on the peace and reconciliation process in Afghan collaboration, protection and counterterrorism, ” he explained.
Meanwhile, the Javid Ahmad Qaem, Afghanistan’s ambassador to China, said Kabul favoured the US, China and India playing a function to reestablish peace in the Nation.
“Afghanistan becoming a secure state is currently in favour of countries like the US, China and India,” state-run Global Times quoted him as saying in a press conference with Chinese journalists on Tuesday.
“It’s more important how individuals and Pakistan may build trust and the way China and India can build confidence regarding Afghanistan no matter different problems.
It’s all about peace in the entire area,” he explained.
A notable advantage that China likes is that it’s great relationships with both Afghanistan and Pakistan and will play a vital role in creating trust between both of these neighboring nations, and the hope is the actual thing which will bring long-term peace in the area, Qaem stated.
In addition, he expressed optimism that the Afghan Army could handle the Taliban after the US troop withdrawal.
“Considering that 2014, we’ve been fighting , except for a few air service in the usa for our federal security forces”.
He said about 1,500 Taliban fighters have been killed by Afghan forces in May.
“We’ve 350,000 federal security forces, one of whom there are specific forces.
We do not have any anxiety about losing earth.
I really don’t find a great deal of changes together with the withdrawal.
“The withdrawal could be a surprise greater to the Taliban compared to people.
There’s not any other method for the Taliban except to return to the peace table.
Thus, we suggest we need to have a cease-fire along with the worldwide community must put pressure on the Taliban to take this,” he explained.
The Afghan Ambassador stated that Afghanistan is ready to combine some sincere initiative which will help ease peace in Afghanistan and the area.
Seeing Washington’s planned withdrawal of its forces in Afghanistan from September 2021, ” the ambassador stated that the Afghan authorities respects Washington’s conclusion.
“We’re capable of protecting our nation and individuals,” he explained.
“But we retain the doors for discussions available,” he added.
The sudden US troop pullout has increased concerns in Beijing this might result in this regrouping of Xinjiang’s Uygur Muslim militants from Afghanistan which shared boundaries with China.
China needs Afghanistan’s future direction to pursue a moderate coverage, encourage a foreign policy of peace, keep a friendship with neighboring nations and firmly fight all forms of terrorism.
Wang, that held phone conversations with Qureshi and Atmar a month, also said China hopes the UN to play its due part following the withdrawal from the US forces.
Wang also said that the eight-member Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), of that India and Pakistan have been all members, need to pay extra attention to this circumstance along with Afghanistan’s neighbours to reinforce communication, talk in 1 voice and take coordinated activities.
China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan will be the SCO members.

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