China said that it would hold a supporters of Taiwan’s independence craminally responsible for life – News2IN

China said that it would hold a supporters of Taiwan’s independence craminally responsible for life

China said that it would hold a supporters of Taiwan's independence craminally responsible for life
Written by news2in

Beijing: China will make people who support Taiwan’s independence craminally responsible for life, spokesman for the Chinese Taiwan Affairs Office said on Friday.
This is the first time China describes concrete punishment for people who are considered pro-Taiwan’s independence, because tensions rise between land and powerful islands themselves claiming to be theirs.
The office was named Premier Su Tseng-Chang Taiwan, parliament of your speaker Si-kun and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu as people who “stub from pro-Taiwan’s independence”, and published for the first time he compiled a list of people who fell in the category this.
China will impose penalties on the people on the list, by not allowing them to enter the special administrative area of ​​the mainland and China Hong Kong and Macau, spokesman Zhu Fenglian said in a statement.
People who enter the blacklist will not be allowed to cooperate with entities or people from the land, also not the company or their funding entity they are allowed to get profit from land, he said.
Taiwan politicians usually depend on donations from companies to fund their election campaigns.
Many Taiwanese companies benefit from doing business with land.
China will also take “other steps needed” to these people, Zhu said.
He said China’s message would like to send to the supporters of Taiwan’s independence was: “Those who forget their ancestors, betrayed the country and divided the country, would never end well and will be rejected by people and judged by history.”

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