China went toe-toe against us in talks that signaled the arrival on the world stage as equivalent – News2IN

China went toe-toe against us in talks that signaled the arrival on the world stage as equivalent

China went toe-toe against us in talks that signaled the arrival on the world stage as equivalent
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Nearly three and a half hours of virtual talks on Monday between US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping produced a striking breakthrough in other than the extensive recognition that both parties had many differences and would definitely be competitors, but they must.
Try and make sure the situation is not spiral into war, cold or hot.
Forget breakthroughs, both parties did not even issue a joint statement as usual on such occasions.
In their opening comments, they touched each other tilted, and in a post-talk briefing on the sidelines, both parties put their own rounds, claiming the high road.
One thing is clearly clear during exchange and after: China now sees itself as the global peer of the United States, and will not only need to go to college, it will reply.
It came when XI told Biden in his opening statement that “we each must carry out our domestic business well and, at the same time, bear the share of our international responsibility and work together to advance the noble causes of peace and world development,” A Obviously the encouragement returned to US lectures on human rights in China and criticism of Beijing’s aggressive robbery in the region.
While both parties have adopted “we will do what is needed to maintain our influence approach” in recent months, exchanges in the midst of McKinsey’s report showing China has surpassed us in terms of clean wealth – suggesting the US more accommodating and China is more assertive and Confident in their view.
“It seems that for me our responsibility as a Chinese and US leader is to ensure that competition between our countries does not annoy conflicts, both intended or unwanted …
It seems to me, we need to build some reasonable fence fences, To be honest and honest where we disagree, and work together where our interests intersect, especially on global problems that are vital like climate change, “said Biden to XI, admitted,” You are a big world leader “(but from “The US is the main leader of the world, and so are you”) In its part, XI rejects US criticism about democracy and human rights, saying there is no way the only approach and every country and society differ in this matter.
“Involved in ideological demarcation, the camp division, group confrontation, will definitely bring a disaster to the world …
The consequences of the Cold War are not far away,” he warned, in the oblique reference to US strategy building the same-minded democracy coalition, including grouping Quad.
Not because Biden is embarrassed to increase difficult problems, including concerns about Chinese practices in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, as well as human rights wider.
“He is clear about the need to protect workers and the American industry from the practices of unfair PRC trade and economics.
He also discusses the importance of indo-Pacific free and open, and communicates sustainable determination from the United States to enforce our commitment in the region.
President Biden reaffirming the importance of freedom of navigation and overflights safe to prosperity in the region, “the US said in a statement after the conversation.
While the US is transparent in limited purposes from talks – basically to manage situations – basically – – Beijing claims “fruitful results” which aims to increase its prestige.
“We don’t expect a breakthrough.
No one reports …
I don’t think the goal is to greatly relieve tension or of course that is the result.
We want to ensure that this competition is managed responsibly, that we have a way to do that,” one Senior administration officials told reporters after the conversation.
Half the way around the world, China’s foreign representative minister Xie Feng has a slightly different round at a virtual meeting, which sniffs better results.
“It is an honest, deep, constructive and fruitful meeting ….
the meeting has hired courses and gives encouragement for China-US relationships to develop ahead,” he told reporters.

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