Chinese advice to hoard the speculation of Taiwan’s war – News2IN

Chinese advice to hoard the speculation of Taiwan’s war

Chinese advice to hoard the speculation of Taiwan's war
Written by news2in

Beijing: Government recommendations that seem harmless to Chinese people to save the need for emergencies quickly trigger the instance spread from panic and online speculation: is China going to fight with Taiwan? The answer might not – Most analysts think military hostility did not occur soon – but posts on social media showed the possibility of that person’s mind and issued many waring war comments.
Taiwan is the island of its own government consisting of 24 million Chinese people together as rebel provinces that must be under his rule.
Tensions have increased sharply recently, with China sending the number of fighter aircraft that developed in Sorti near the island and the US sold weapons to Taiwan and deepened their relationship with the government.
Most of the residents interviewed in Beijing, the capital of China, the war of the mind was impossible but acknowledged increased tensions.
They are generally favored to bring Taiwan under the Chinese government in a peaceful way, the official position of the Communist Party in China.
“I don’t feel panic but I think we have to be more alert about this than in the past,” said Hu Chunmei, who took the road environment.
Fear of war or not, there are reports scattered about rice, noodles, and cooking oil in several Chinese cities, according to local media.
The more direct concerns for some people are the possibility of environmental locking as the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak in several provinces.
The government moves quickly to try to make fear with adequate supply guarantees.
A bright yellow sign in the Beijing supermarket hallway asks customers to buy naturally and do not listen to rumors or inventory items.
Online speculation begins with the notification of the Ministry of Commerce posted Monday night about plans to ensure the supply and stable price of vegetables and other needs for winter and spring.
The line in it encourages families to save some needs for everyday life and emergencies.
That’s enough to trigger some stockpiling and discussion about social media that the Ministry can indicate people must be stocked for war.
Chinese state media has covered increased tensions with Taiwan with severe Taiwan, including words that are often difficult to exchanged between China on one side and US and Taiwan on the other.
“It’s natural to arouse some imagination,” Shi Shusi’s social commentator said.
“We must believe the government’s explanation, but the underlying anxiety deserves to think about us.” He said the populist view of the cheerleader for war did not represent the majority opinions but sent a signal or warning to Taiwan.
Other developments triggered war speculation.
One person shared a screenshot of the recommended emergency equipment list for families issued in August by the government in Xiamen, a coastal city near the remote Taiwan Island.
A unverified report – rejected Wednesday by social media accounts affiliated with the military – the veterans said they were recalled to the service to prepare for the battle.
It is difficult to measure how many people who interpret notifications as possible early fighting, but the reaction is strong enough to encourage the country’s media response the following day.
Everyday economy, the government’s newspaper, said the imagination of people should not run so wild, explaining that the suggestion was intended for people who might find themselves suddenly locked because of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Hu Xijin, Editor in Chief of the Global Times newspaper, blamed online speculation on public opinion amplification during the tensions.
“I do not believe that the country wants to send a signal to the public today through notification from the Ministry of Commerce who needs to hurry and prepare for war,” he wrote.
Zhang XI, reigning the other Beijing residents, ruled out the possibility of war and advised patience in a widespread dispute to when Taiwan and China separated during the civilian war that brought Mao Zedong’s communist to power in 1949.
“This is the rest of history,” It is impossible for Finish it, “he said.

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