Chinese name ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomat as a new ambassador for us – News2IN

Chinese name ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomat as a new ambassador for us

Chinese name 'Wolf Warrior' diplomat as a new ambassador for us
Written by news2in

Washington: One of the most prominent “Wolf Warrior” diplomats in China was announced as a new ambassador in the United States.
Qin Hawkish gang, a Confidante near President Xi Jinping, has arrived in Washington during high tensions between China and the United States, and is expected to provide an aggressive message.
He gained the advantage of two tasks as a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued spiky responses to foreign journalists and pioneered the aggressive style defending China in the press and on social media dubbed “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy.
“When two large countries differ in history, culture, social systems and the development phase, China and the United States entered a new round of reciprocal exploration, understanding and adaptation, trying to find ways to get along with each other,” said Qin Journalists on his arrival in the capital America.
The new envoy vowed to bring our Ties – China “returned to its track,” according to the transcript released by the Chinese Embassy.
His relationship has quickly deteriorated in recent years, with two power-clashed strengths of various problems including trade, human rights, cybersecurity and the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.
And while President Joe Biden has lowered the tone since he served, he mostly maintained his predecessor Donald Trump’s Hawkish Stance in China, described it as a pre-university challenge to the United States.
Qin, who accompanied XI on many trips abroad when the head of the Foreign Ministry’s protocol, was among the diplomats who had survived the spirit of China in facing an increase in criticism in the world.
The 55-year-old child was considered more hawkish than its predecessor in Washington, Cui Tiankai.
He was a fluent English speaker, after spending several years at the Chinese Embassy in London.
Beijing-based Independent Analyst Hua Po described Qin as “one member of the backbone” from the Wolf Warrior movement.
Qin in February defended the style of diplomacy as a necessary response to “basic slander” and “crazy attacks against China”.
The spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and overseas officials have adopted an anxious and angry tone to defend the communist-led country and even promote conspiracy theories or openly insulting foreigners.
But President XI recently urged political leaders to help foster “order, awesome, and respectable” international image to improve Chinese soft power.

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