Chunky in Ananya Trolled on Social Media – News2IN

Chunky in Ananya Trolled on Social Media

Chunky in Ananya Trolled on Social Media
Written by news2in

Chunky Panday has spent more than three decades in Bollywood and sent many colorful characters on the screen, and now his daughter Panday is a ruling heart.
He marked his debut in 2019 with the release of ‘Student Year 2’ and continued to be a sensation with the younger generation.
When we asked Chunky what advice he had given to his daughter when she prepared for Bollywood, the actor revealed, “Well, I told him it was very important it was not mimicking the success story of others because it would not work for you, carving successful stories.
And never underestimate or exaggerate anyone.
It’s very important in our industry, especially.
Because if someone has hit someone else, it is not necessary that the person will give you a blow with you.
So don’t pursue anyone who is wrong all the time, Let things come to you.
I mean, of course, go out and try and understand, but understand.
Don’t count too much; so many calculations that are not good, but only understand it and you have to feel happy to do it and it will work for you ” ,

Ananya is also a sensation of social media and its popularity online continues to grow with leaps and limits.
He currently enjoys more than 19 million fans but also has to deal with the troll part.
Ask Chunky to take social media, and he said, “You know, I really feel bad for these children because social media also has many things.
Like, I mean, today you can put anything out there You want.
You don’t need a pro to do it, or you don’t need to have a press coming and photograph a photo.
So it’s good things, but of course, privacy invasion and many other things, are the famous social media.
In the day Our day we have never had a thing like this.
I mean, there is no social media.
There is no cellphone with a camera.
We can go with murder (laugh), not literally, but as good as murder.
But today children must be very careful Heart, especially when they put posts out there.
But then I always say, if you live with a sword, you will die with a sword “.
Read the direction of Panday revealed that Navya Naveli Nanda had broke her finger, expressing concern
Previously, Mrs.
Ananya Bhavana Pandey had revealed how negativity disturbed everyone in the family.
Talking about the same thing, Chunky added, “Initially it was very disappointing and disturbing to all of us.
But then I say, listen, girl, this is not a human.
Why do you have so many emotions? I mean, I know it’s a lot People on it, but in the end, you can delete it anytime, you can return to him anytime.
So treat it, you know, but of course, it disturbs parents or someone to read all this kind of thing.
But like that They say, it’s not a personal matter, only business (laughs).
It will be there forever, Trolling won’t stop.
“The actress is now spreading to the owner of its own way, Chunky added,” So, the mother has started the initiative so positive , to help children overcome it because there are many small children there scattered.
It’s not unique to my family or family family, everyone becomes t Rolled “.
Also read Pandey about Vijay DeverNonda, Ananya Panday Starrer Liger: If I was part of it
In the closing thought, Chunky Panday added that social media is just a platform for expression and must come with his own distance.
“If you are going to social media, you must realize what will happen to you.
You know, there must be a little distance that says that ‘listen, you will be attached to many people who don’t know who you are, who just want to vent their frustration , so don’t take a serious responsiveness.
‘It’s funny.
I mean, it’s a thing where you can express yourself.
You just put it on the public platform, but people become criticism, I feel entertaining.
Believe me! ” He signed.

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