CII reaches the Goa government with tips on tourism revival – News2IN

CII reaches the Goa government with tips on tourism revival

CII reaches the Goa government with tips on tourism revival
Written by news2in

PANAJI: Looking for government intervention for the revival of the travel and tourism sector, India Industrial Confederation (CII) has described many steps that need to be taken by the Government Goa government and the center.
The leading among suggestions are, the introduction of vaccine passports, incentives on domestic travel, increased health care infrastructure and tax soup.
In a report submitted to the state and central government, CII has said that this policy decision will not only benefit domestic tourism but will also encourage tourism in.
“In addition to accelerating vaccination, to reopening the economy that is faster and safer, travel sectors and tourism can be very benefit from the vaccine passport.
India must create a vaccine passport system to enable people who are fully vaccinated and those who have recovered from Covid-19 in The last 90 days to travel freely without requirements for testing throughout India, ” CII has said in his report.
The total industry’s total income is expected to fall around 75% in the last financial year while it has not even passed 5% since April 2021, said CII When quoting industrial data.
Given that India can track everyone who is vaccinated through the Cowin or Aarogya Application of Setu and also verifies the vaccination certificate issued in India, all states must come to allow seamless trips, CII said.
In terms of incentives, CII has recommended that tax exemption is rs 50.0 00 must be given to all employees who spend three times the number of hotel accommodations, airplane tickets or tour packages.
Another option, CII said, is to allow reduction in RS 1 lakh under Chapter VI from income tax laws for travel.
CII also said that the second wave has an Indian image as a safe goal.
In addition to campaigns to change international perceptions, the state and the center need to strengthen health care infrastructure to inspire trust between tourists.
“The government must announce a schedule, to open a visa and e-visa to allow international tourists to plan their visits to India.
Interventions must be taken urgently, so they do not miss the coming winter,” CII said.
CII also said that the exception of one-year GST for traveling and tourism will enable service providers to reduce prices which in turn attract international and domestic tourists.

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