Citizens choose Security over Fish as Panaji fish market reopens to tepid Reaction – News2IN

Citizens choose Security over Fish as Panaji fish market reopens to tepid Reaction

Citizens choose Security over Fish as Panaji fish market reopens to tepid Reaction
Written by news2in

PANAJI: The Panaji fish market reopened on Monday after being non-operational for more than a month, actually since the Covid curfew was enforced in the country.
Just a small number of fish sellers sold fish sourced in factories along with a few fish sourced by local fishermen.
The very first day available, however, evoked lukewarm response from clients.
“Staying away in the marketplace for almost six months was quite hard, but we needed to stick to the principles at the face of climbing Covid-19 deaths.
Though instances are falling, the virus hasn’t gone out, however, we chose to restart fish sale to the interest of the survival.
We asked the municipal commissioner to let us restart our company,” Deandrina Fernandes, a fish seller, stated.
A couple of vendors are permitted to run, given that they follow Covid-appropriate behavior like wearing a mask and keeping social space when performing business.
“Only 50 percent of their complete potency of fish sellers were allowed on the industry.
Until the time Covid-19 remains rampant, we’ll make sure that this space is preserved,” CCP civil commissioner Agnelo Fernandes, stated.
With all the heavy rain warning deterring traditional ramponnkars from entering the sea, just a little bit of fresh fish has been marketed.
“There were hardly 100 people who showed up in the fish market as well as the few sellers who began operations were fighting to sell fish from 3pm — at that time the market was closed,” stated fish seller Manjunath Nayak.

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