City to get colorful, one wall at a time – News2IN

City to get colorful, one wall at a time

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: Corporation City has launched an initiative to decorate the wall of the office building complex in an effort to change the appearance of monotonous and to eliminate political graffiti and personality poster.
The artist has finished the girl’s work on the wall of the corporate headquarters building.
The work, which began last Saturday, was completed on Thursday.
This initiative was conceived by the corporate commissioner King Gopal Sunkara.
List of places to be checked by paintings have been selected by the corporation.
Recently, representatives of the Catalyst Street Festival chose a suitable place.
While many themes are discussed, those agreed by the Commissioner will be painted soon, the corporate source said.
The Civic body has identified 10 to 12 places for the initial phase, said Sunkara.
“We want to bring more about coimbatore heritage and culture.
Apart from the wall, we plan to discuss places along with arterial roads.
We try to bind with the association of resident’s welfare to do more work,” he told Ti.founder.
Festival Street Catalyst K Phanikumar said a theme that described an ancient Tamil lifestyle was chosen for the first job.
“The artist who is involved in the job is from the city.
Many walls have posters.
However, what we finish work does not have,” he said.
“We will slowly, concentrate one by one because it cleanses the wall and makes it ready to paint is a time-consuming process.
If the job is done in a hurry, it won’t last long.” The organization has worked in similar projects in the city – City like Chennai and Bengaluru, said Phanikumar.
The civil body will soon bind more people to make a wall, an official said.
“We aim to not only make interesting places, but also informative.
A private school has risen by Nagar Kalloori Park in Peellamedu to paint freedom fighters.
Children, who visit the park, will get used to our leaders.” Coimbatore Collector G SS SSSERAN Take it to Twitter to congratulate the Civic body for the initiative.

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