‘Clear the area occupied by illegally J & K’: India slams sir – News2IN
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‘Clear the area occupied by illegally J & K’: India slams sir

'Clear the area occupied by illegally J & K': India slams sir
Written by news2in

New York: Underwalking that Pakistan has abused the platform provided by the United Nations to disseminate falls and evil propaganda against New Delhi, India at the UN Security Council slams Islamabad to sweep Kashmir’s problem and ask Pakistan to immediately empty all the area of ​​the Jammu and Kashmir under his illegal work.
“I want to categorize the position of India, the entire Union region of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are and will always be an integral part and cannot be revoked from India.
This includes areas under the illegal occupation of Pakistan.
We called after Pakistan immediately emptied All areas under illegal occupation, “Dr.
Kajal Bhat, Indian Permanent Mission Advisor to the United Nations, said on Tuesday (local time).
“I was limited to taking the floor once again to respond to several reckless comments made by Pakistani representatives earlier today,” said Bhat before starting his response at UNSC.
Emphasizing that this is not the first time Pakistani representatives have misused platforms provided by the United Nations to disseminate falls and evil propaganda against India, Bhat said that Pakistani representatives were “sought in vain to divert the world’s attention from the pathetic country of their country., Where terrorists Enjoy a free pass by the lives of ordinary people, especially those included in the reverse minority community.
“He also stressed that member countries realize that Pakistan has history and policies that set to hide, help and actively support terrorists.
“This is a country that globally recognized as one that supports, training, financing and arms terrorists as a state policy problem,” Bhat said.
Indian counselors also underline that Pakistan “holds a disgraceful record of the hosts a large number of terrorists who are prohibited by UNSC”.
Stating that New Delhi wants a normal normal relationship with all countries including Pakistan, he said that India “is committed to dealing with extraordinary problems if there is, bilaterally and peaceful in accordance with the Shimla and Declaration of Lahore’s agreement”.
“However, meaningful dialogue can be held only in the free atmosphere of terror hostility and violence,” Bhat said.
Stressing that Onus is in Pakistan to create a conducive atmosphere, he said, until then India will continue to take decisive steps and determine to respond to cross-border terrorism.

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