Climate change is blamed for Havoc in the Northeast US flood – News2IN

Climate change is blamed for Havoc in the Northeast US flood

Climate change is blamed for Havoc in the Northeast US flood
Written by news2in

New York: Climate change and creaking infrastructure were blamed on Friday for the scale of the impact of a flood that tore the city of New York when the remnants of the Ida storm swept in the northeast of the US, killing at least 49 people.
“We are in a very different world,” said Mayor New York Bill De Blasio after flash floods.
“This is a different challenge.” Rain records turn to the streets to the river and turn off the subway service as water flowing to the track.
Almost a dozen people drowned in the Basement Apartments.
Extreme weather, combined with a lack of preparation, stretched the largest city of the United States to violate the point.
“This is not a big surprise that the city seems to be destroyed every time there is a big storm,” said Jonathan Bowles, the executive director of the Think-Tank Center for the urban future.
“The city infrastructure does not compensate for the population growth owned by New York in recent decades, let alone increase storm crunches, and rising sea levels that have come up with climate change,” said Bowles.
While there have been many investments in large projects – train stations, airports, new bridges – fewer funds have gone to the “unreasonable” project such as sewers and electricity, he said.
Nicole Gelinas, an urban economist at Manhattan Institute, another think-tank, said New York infrastructure “was not built for seven inches of rainfall in a few hours.” The water channel for the city gutter system becomes clogged, said Gelina, and “There is no green space to catch a portion of water before taking place to the water channel.” So some of these streets, they become canals when there is a big storm.
“New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania were the hardest hit by Ida, which destroyed the southern state of Louisiana and Gulf Coast early on Sunday before sweeping the northeast.
President Joe Biden, who has made a threat from climate change, flew to Louisiana, flying to Louisiana , flying to Louisiana, flying to Louisiana, where more than 800,000 people still survive after Ida made the landing as a storm in Category 4.
He said an expensive increase in the embankment system around New Orleans after a far storm slowing Katrina in 2005 has proven their value In preventing more great damage this time.
Likewise transformative infrastructure projects – instead of just rebuilding – must be a new norm, he said, pushing the passing of a giant $ 3.5 trillion infrastructure in Congress.
“Things have changed so dramatically in terms of environment, you have crossed a certain threshold, “he said.” You can’t build a return I road, highway or bridge with what was before.
“New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said Storm Ida had left 25 people killed in their circumstances, most of them” individuals who were caught in their vehicles.
“Thirteen deaths were reported in New York City Including 11 victims who could not escape their basements, police said.
Three people were killed on the outskirts of New York Westchester, while the other five died in Pennsylvania and one – a state police officer – in Connecticut, officials said.
“I am 50 years old and I have never seen a lot of rain,” said Methodija Mihajlov, whose Manhattan Basement restaurant was flooded with three inches of water.
“It feels like living in the forest, like tropical rain.
It’s amazing.
Everything is so strange this year,” Mihajlov told AFP.
National weather services recorded 3.15 inches of rain in New York’s central park in just an hour – beat the record set last month during the Storm Henri.
The US Open Tennis Tournament was stopped as a breeze howled and the rain blew under the corner of the roof of the Louis Armstrong Stadium.
It rarely occurs in storms to attack Northeast Seaboard America and come as a surface layer of the ocean to warm up due to climate change.
This warming causes cyclones to become stronger and bring more water, pose an increasing threat to the coastal community, said scientists.
“Global warming is on us and it will get worse and worse and worse unless we do something about it,” said New York Senator Chuck Schumer.

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