CLOSING Operation by Modi Govt in Rafale Agreement Once Again Open: Congress – News2IN

CLOSING Operation by Modi Govt in Rafale Agreement Once Again Open: Congress

CLOSING Operation by Modi Govt in Rafale Agreement Once Again Open: Congress
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Congress on Tuesday accused the Modi Government to carry out operations to “cover up” corruption in the Jet Agreement of Rafale fighters and asked why did not start an investigation into the role of an burdensome intermediary from him.
Spokesman for the Pawan Khera Congress also alleged that the BJP government had sacrificed national security, endangering the interests of the Indian Air Force and caused losses worth thousands of crores rupees to the state.
French investigation journal Mediapart in a new revelation in a report has exposed how the intermediary of Sushen Gupta received secret documents belonging to the Indian Negotiation Team (INT) in 2015 from the Ministry of Defense, he said.
The documents detail the attitude of Indian negotiators during the final of negotiations and especially how they calculate aircraft prices.
This gives a clear advantage to Dassault Aviation (Rafale), Khera claims, citing Mediapart reports.
“The ‘operating closure’ by the MODI government to bury the corruption melting pan, kickback and collusion in the Rafale agreement once again open,” he said.
“The BJP government damages national security, endangering the interests of the Indian Air Force and causing losses worth of thousands of crores for us,” Khera said at the press trial.
Every revelation in “cloudy affairs in the past five years, every single allegation and each part of the puzzle leads to the top leadership of the country – the prime minister’s door, he said.
Khera accused that the latest revelation in the “operating closing” revealed “Nexus who doubted” between the Modi-CBI-ed government to bury corruption in the Rafale agreement.
The Congress leader asked whether it was not true that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) restored “Secret Defense Ministry documents” from the intermediary in the attack conducted on March 26, 2019.
Documents, he claimed, including ‘Benchmark Price Documents’ on August 10, 2015,’ Discussion Note ‘By Int of the Ministry of Defense,’ a sheet of Excel calculation carried out by the Ministry of Defense ‘and’ Eurofighter counters offer a 20 percent discount on the Indian government ‘.
Khera alleged that a record June 24, 2014, sent to Dassault by Gupta, offering a meeting with “political commandos” also recovered and asked whether such a meeting occurred with “high command” in the mode government.
“This is nothing but to endanger national security, incitement and severe violations of the Secretary of the official,” he thought.
“Why did Ed not pursue this evidence further to investigate fraud? Why did the Modi government then not take action against Dassault, political executives or defense ministry officers who leaked these documents? ‘Chowkidar’ who sells Indian national secrets,” Khera asked.
The leader of the Congress also accused the Prime Minister Modi revoked the anti-corruption clause – “There is no bribe, no prize, no influence, no commission, no intermediary”.
This is a mandatory clause in defense contracts in accordance with defense procurement procedures and is part of the tender by the UPA to purchase 126 fighter aircraft, he said.
“Does the anti-corruption clause removed to avoid the responsibility of bribery and commissions to be paid in the Rafal agreement? Why elimination of anti-corruption clause was approved by the Prime Minister and the Government of Modi in September 2016, despite the insistence of the Ministry of Defense after entering it in the inter-governmental agreement on July 2015, “he asked Khera.
“Is this the reason why CBI-ed refused to investigate corruption in Rafale’s agreement since October 11, 2018, until now,” he asked.
Khera claimed that on October 4, 2018, two former Minister of BJP Union Yashwant Sinha and Arun Shourie and a senior lawyer filed a complaint to the Director of CBI quoted a massive corruption in a big deal.
On October 11, 2018, the Government of Mauritius, through his Attorney General, supplied documents to the CBI regarding the alleged payment of commissions connected with the Rafale agreement, he said.
However, on October 23, 2018, Director of the CBI Alok Verma was removed in the “midnight coup” after the CBI headquarters was raided by Delhi police, said Khera, alleged that this was part of a shared conspiracy to bury Rafale’s ghost through the CBI.
“Why does the Modi and CBI government do not act on the evidence of commission and corruption for the past 36 months? Why has it been buried? Why did the Modi government remove the CBI head in the midnight coup,” asked the Congress leader.

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