Cm review moin-ul-haq plan revamp – News2IN

Cm review moin-ul-haq plan revamp

Cm review moin-ul-haq plan revamp
Written by news2in

Patna: Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on Friday reviewing the presentation of the plan to rebuild Moin-ul-Haq stadium based on Patna Nagar.
While reviewing the presentation carried out by the Secretary of the Arts, Culture and Secretary of the Youth of Preyasi Bandana, Nitish said the international standard Cricket Stadium had been built in Rajgir in the Nalanda district.
CM requested officials and experts concerned to visit Rajgir to gather information about the ongoing construction work there and on the basis of their visit, reducing the rebuilding plan for Moin-UL-Haq Stadium, so Patna-based stadiums can be built.
in a better way.
Previously, preyasi make a detailed presentation before the CM on the background and current status of the stadium Moin-ul-Haq.
The architect make a presentation on a map and estimates of the rebuilding plan.
The architect said the design that has been prepared to improve the current structure into a world-class stadium, will have other 10 match hosting facilities along with cricket.
He said there will be a world-class drainage system around the stadium.
In addition to better settings for vehicle parking, there will be hotel and restaurant settings in a new structure.
The Minister of Art, Culture and Youth Alok Ranjan also attended a review meeting through video conferencing.

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