Mumbai: The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) suspects that former MP Anandrao Shiv Sena Adsul is a recipient of funds abused by the city cooperative bank and has searched six places related to him last week in money laundering.
Ed collected several documents during search and the possibility to call adsules immediately for his statement.
Edge Case is based on Cemara Police Mumbai related to the fraud of the city cooperative bank, where adsul is a complainant.
He is the chairman of the city cooperative bank.
Relatives Adsul stated that Ed began an investigation in a case of fraud under political pressure to harass them.
Adsul is one of the applicants in the Bombay High Court in the issue of the Certificate of Fake Castle MP Amravati Navnit Kaur Rana.
The shutter has defeated Adsul in the 2019 parliamentary election of Amravati around 37,000 votes.
In June, the Bombay High Court canceled the Castle Rana certificate.
He challenged orders at the Supreme Court, which had still received a high court order.
Putra Adjul and one of the directors at the City Cooperative Bank, Abhijit, said, “We are a complainant in this case but facing harassment due to political disorders.
The first time Ed called my father when the case of the Casta Navnit Rana certificate was scheduled for the High Court on March 25.
Once Again, they visited our place on September 2 (last Thursday), when the case trial was scheduled for SC.
ED officials did it under political pressure to divert our attention from this case.
“In June 2020, the Marg Joshi police station in Mumbai has registered Cases of fraud against the auditor, appraiser and staff of the city cooperative bank with adsul complaints.
After that, this case was transferred to the wing of the economic violation of Mumbai Police.
Based on the police case, Ed registered money laundering cases.