Coach Shoot India Pavel, Oleg Set Becomes After Tokyo Flop – News2IN

Coach Shoot India Pavel, Oleg Set Becomes After Tokyo Flop

Coach Shoot India Pavel, Oleg Set Becomes After Tokyo Flop
Written by news2in

Pune: After the poor show of Indian shooters at the Tokyo Olympics, repairing the system, apparently, has begun.
The Head of the National Rifle Association of India (NRAY) Raninder Singh has expressed its displeasure of the shooter performance and signaled ‘total overhaul’ from the coaching staff.
To start, it seems that a foreign coach will face Brunt because Nray cannot renew their contract, which ends after the Olympics.
Rifle coach Oleg Mikhailov from Ukrainian coach and Pavel Smirnov pistol from Russia was set for the exit.
While Pavel joined the Indian team coach after 2012, Oleg was appointed as a rifle coach after the Rio game in 2016.
The two coaches were recommended by NRAI and were working on the Indian contract (SAI) contract authority and studied that the shooting body had not recommended their contract renewal.
“Pavel has one job to prepare a shooter on a fast 25m fire gun to qualify for the Olympics.
He not only failed to get even one shooter qualify for the match, he hardly contributed to training other shooters on the team,” said a source Tii.
Both Pavel and Oleg have earned around $ 7,500 per month, plus free and travel from Sai.
Another thing that has been against Pavel is a temperam which is the reason for the shame of the body of shooting, recently.
Studied that Pavel, which was sent for preparatory camps in Croatia, was involved in arguments with Croatian military officials in Zagreb.
Pavel was asked for accreditation by officials on the shooting circuit in Zagreb, but Russia was allegedly refused to produce the card.
This problem was reported to NRAI by the shooting body Zagreb.
Pavel was not sent to Tokyo with the team.
On the other hand, the score under the Par Rifle Shooters in the Tokyo game has asked questions for Oleg’s contribution.
“Only elavenyl (Valarivan) and Aishwary Tomar who showed the fight.
Oleg failed to justify his position in set-up,” added the source.

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