Cold spell continues, but mercury will rise in the city starting tomorrow – News2IN

Cold spell continues, but mercury will rise in the city starting tomorrow

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: For residents of the city, there is no concession of cold bones on Monday as the second ‘cold day’ in a row recorded with daytime temperatures dipping 14.4 degrees Celsius, six notches below normal.
The maximum temperature is 15.5 degrees Celsius on Sunday.
The minimum temperature is resolved at 7.5 degrees Celsius, just like the previous day.
According to an IMD official, with cold northwest winds, conditions tend to be equally today.
However, there will be some pauses from cold Wednesday and so on, with mercury increases a little later in a week.
The city has staggered under intense cold spells since January 14.
So far, this month Gurgaon saw four conditions’ cold days’ on January 10, 16 and 17 and the conditions of ‘severe cold days on January 15.
According to him for IMD, it is a ‘cold day’ when a minimum temperature is less than 10 degrees Celsius and the maximum of at least 4.5 degrees Celsius below normal.
A ‘severe cold day’ is stated when the maximum temperature is at least 6.5 notches below normal.
“The whole northwest region is witnessing cold conditions and since the first week of this month, during the daytime temperatures have been recorded below normal, while the minimum has lived above the normal range.
Very cloudy conditions coupled with cold winds blowing into the region causing a decrease in temperature .
There is also moisture in the atmosphere.
However, there will be a slight increase in temperature from Wednesday, “said Manmohan Singh, Director, Imd Chandigarh said.
Forecasts for today show that there will be moderate fog in the morning and the minimum and maximum temperatures tend to float around 8 and 18 degrees Celsius, respectively.
Meanwhile, the quality of air in the city slipped into the ‘poor’ category after staying at a moderate level for two days.
The overall AQI reading was in 219, up from 181 on Sunday.
While AQI in Teri Gram and Sector 51 are in the ‘poor’ category with reading 223 and 272, respectively.
It was in the ‘moderate’ category in Gwaldahari with AQI 181.
AQI in Sadan Vikas can be recorded because of inadequate data.

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