Collector instructs school to receive offline applications for RTE seats – News2IN

Collector instructs school to receive offline applications for RTE seats

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: Collector District GS Ssyanan has asked private schools to receive offline applications to enter under the Law on Education (RTE) from ThoseS who cannot send the same online.
As part 12 (1) (c) from the RTE Law, 2009, all non-minority private schools must allocate 25% of seats at the level of entries for children from weaker parts and disadvantaged groups.
The state and central government will replace the tuition fees of these students to these schools.
While August 3 is the last date to submit an online application, the Matriculation School Directorate has extended the time limit until August 13, because only 2,511 applications received by 4,710 seats are available in private schools.
According to Education Officer (CEO) M Ramakrishnan, many people have spoiled private schools with requests to recognize their nobles under the RTE law.
“Most of them don’t realize the process of online applications or those who cannot send their own applications.” Now there are 2,199 empty seats under the RTE law, the CEO has asked people to take advantage of the extended period for online application files .NN.

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